32RQT7458 EditingCreating, editing and playing play lists[HDD] [RAM]≥The maximum number of items on a disc:–Play lists: 99–Chapters in play lists: Approximately 1000(Depends on the state of recording.)[Note]≥You cannot create or edit a play list while recording or whiletransferring (dubbing).≥Play lists must be made in accordance with the encoding systemcurrently selected in “TV System” (➡page 45).Preparation≥Press [HDD] or [DVD] to select the drive.≥Release protection (cartridge ➡page 16, disc ➡ page 39). [RAM]1 While stoppedPress [FUNCTIONS].2 Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select “PLAYLIST” and press [ENTER].3 Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select “Create”and press [ENTER].4 Press [2, 1] to select the source titleand press [4].≥Press [ENTER] to select all the chapters in the title, thenskip to step 6.5 Press [2, 1] to select the chapter youwant to add to a play list and press[ENTER].Press [3] to cancel.≥You can also create a new chapter from the source title.Press [SUB MENU] to select “Create Chapter” and press[ENTER] (➡page 31, Create Chapter).6 Press [2, 1] to select the position toinsert the chapter and press [ENTER].≥Repeat steps 5–6 to add other chapters.≥Press [3] to select other source titles.7 Press [RETURN].To exit the screenPress [RETURN] several times.To return to the previous screenPress [RETURN].You can arrange the chapters (➡ page 30) to create a play list.≥Editing play lists doesn’t modify the recording data.≥Play lists are not recorded separately so this doesn’t use muchcapacity.Creating play listsDRIVE SELECTVOLUMECHDIRECT TV RECDVDTVAV1 2 34 5 67 809MANUAL SKIPVIDEO Plus+CHCANCEL INPUT SELECTSKIPSTOP PAUSE PLAY/x1.3SLOW/SEARCHFUNCTIONSENTERDIRECT NAVIGATORTOP MENURETURNSUB MENUCREATECHAPTERTIMEREXT LINKPROG/CHECKREC MODEERASE RECAUDIOTIME SLIPSTATUSDISPLAYFA B CDUBBINGHDD DVD3,4,2,1ENTERRETURNFUNCTIONSSUB MENUHDD, DVDTitleChapterPlay list ChapterTitleChapter Chapter Chapter ChapterChapterHDDRecordingDubbingEditPlaybackFUNCTIONS Disc Remaining 34:00 SPENTERRETURNTIMER RECORDINGDIRECT NAVIGATORPLAY LISTDUBBING FLEXIBLE RECSetting SETUP DISC MANAGEMENTDVDPLAY LIST PLAY LIST VIEWPrevious 01/01 Next- - - - - -- - - - - -CreateENTERRETURNHDDCreate001 BBC 11/10 SAT001001Source TitleSource ChapterChapters in PLAY LIST001/001001/001001/001002 003 ---------------002SUB MENUPLAY LISTPress RETURN to exit.ENTERRETURNHDD------PLAY LIST Create001 BBC 11/10 SAT001Source TitleSource ChapterChapters in PLAY LIST001/001001/001002 003 ---------------Press RETURN to exit.SUB MENUENTERRETURN001001/001002HDD------Create001 BBC 11/10 SAT001001/001001/001002 003 ---------------PLAY LISTSource TitleSource ChapterChapters in PLAY LISTPress RETURN to exit.ENTERRETURN001001/001002HDD------