![Panasonic Diga DMR-EX89 Operating Instructions Manual Manual pdf 11 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5430248/385796a536a4bc6c592b4915fd0cee0a11f.jpg)
11RQT9414Quick StartGuideHDD and disc information(≤: Possible, –: Impossible)§1 [-R] [-R]DL] [-RW‹V›] [+R] [+R]DL]Finalisation is needed for playback on other equipment (> 62).[RAM] can be played back on Panasonic DVD recorders andDVD-RAM compatible DVD players.[-R]DL], [+R]DL] or [+RW] can be played back only on equipmentcompatible with these discs.§2 For further information (> 21, Notes for recording)§3 The audio selected in “Bilingual Audio Selection” (> 66) isrecorded.§4 [-R]DL] [+R]DL] You cannot directly record to these discs (> right).§5 [-R] Videos and still pictures cannot be mixed on one disc.≥[RAM] [-RW‹V›] [+R] [+R]DL] [+RW] To use a new disc, formatting isnecessary (> 61).≥[+RW] If the disc failed to play on other equipment, we recommendyou create top menu (> 62).≥Use of Panasonic discs is recommended.For available recording times for different discs under differentrecording modes, see “Recording modes and approximaterecording times” (> 22).≥Formatting and/or recording/initializing constraints may preventyou from playing or recording certain discs.≥Please see specifications (> 84) for compatible disc versions andrecording speeds.∫ Recording formatThis unit records video in the following formats.DVD Video Recording format [HDD] [RAM]This is a recording method which allows you to record and edittelevision broadcasts and so on.≥You can delete unwanted parts of a title, create playlists, etc.≥The broadcasts that allow “One time only recording” can berecorded to a CPRM compatible disc.DVD-Video format [-R] [-R]DL] [-RW‹V›]This recording method is the same as commercially available DVD-Video.≥The broadcasts that allow “One time only recording” cannot berecorded even if using a CPRM compatible disc.≥After finalising the disc, you can play the disc on DVD players andother equipment.+VR (+R/+RW Video Recording) format [+R] [+R]DL] [+RW]This is a method for recording moving pictures to +R/+RW discs.You can playback such discs recorded in this method in a similarway as contents recorded in the DVD-Video format.≥The broadcasts that allow “One time only recording” cannot berecorded.≥After finalising the disc or creating the top menu, you can play thedisc on DVD players and other equipment.≥When “Rec for High Speed Copy” is set to “On”, the restrictions onsecondary audio recording are also applied to DVD-RAM. Turn thissetting “Off” if high speed copy to [-R] [-R]DL] [-RW‹V›] [+R] [+R]DL][+RW] is not necessary (The default setting is “On”. > 65).≥+R discs recorded with this unit and +R discs recorded withanother Panasonic DVD Recorder may be incompatible. However,discs that are finalised are compatible and can be played.≥This unit cannot record NTSC signals to discs that already havePAL signal recordings. (However, both types of programmes canbe recorded onto the HDD.)≥You may not be able to record depending on the condition of thediscs and you may not be able to play due to the condition of therecording.HDD and discs you can use for recording and playDisc typeStandard symbolLogo Data that canbe recordedand playedRewritable Play on otherplayers§1Recording 16:9aspect picture§2Recording both M 1and M 2 for bilingualbroadcasts§2Copy-oncerecording(CPRM)Hard disk drive (HDD)[HDD]– VideoStill pictureMusic≤ – ≤ ≤ ≤DVD-RAM[RAM]VideoStill picture≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤CPRM (> 85)compatible discsonly.DVD-R[-R] before finalisation[DVD-V] after finalisation(Video only)Video§5orStill picture§5– ≤ ≤ –§3(Either one)–DVD-R DL§4[-R]DL] before finalisation[DVD-V] after finalisationVideo – ≤ ≤ –§3(Either one)–DVD-RW[-RW‹V›] before finalisation[DVD-V] after finalisationVideo ≤ ≤ ≤ –§3(Either one)–+R[+R] before finalisation[DVD-V] after finalisation– Video – ≤ – (4:3 aspect) –§3(Either one)–+R DL§4[+R]DL] before finalisation[DVD-V] after finalisation– Video – ≤ – (4:3 aspect) –§3(Either one)–+RW[+RW]– Video ≤ ≤ – (4:3 aspect) –§3(Either one)–You cannot directly record to a DVD-R DL and +R DLdisc on this unit.Record to the HDD and then copy to the disc.When playing DVD-R DL (Dual Layer, single-sided) and+R DL (Double Layer, single-sided)DVD-R DL (Dual Layer, single-sided) and +R DL (Double Layer,single-sided) discs have two writable layers on one side. If there isnot enough space on the first layer to record a programme, theremainder is recorded on the second layer. When playing a titlerecorded on both layers, the unit automatically switches betweenlayers and plays the title in the same way as a normal programme.However, video and audio may momentarily cut out when the unitis switching layers.NoteDVD-R DL+R DL When switching layers:Video and audio may momentarily cut(Inner section ofthe disc)(Outer sectionof the disc)The available spaceTitle 1 Title 2Playback directionSecond recordable layerFirst recordable layer