PRO2 mode settingBottom hold displayIncident light intensity displayPercentage displayPeak hold displayChanged intensity display (Note)Turn OFFTurn ONECO OFFECO ONNote: When the differential mode ' ' or ' ' is set in PRO6 mode setting, the changed incidentlight intensity is displayed.Press PressPressTurnTurnTurn TurnPressTurnTurnPRO4 mode settingCommunication lock function ONCommunication lock function OFFBack-up ONBack-up OFFe.g.)When setto ch.1Press Press Press PressTurnTurnTurnTurnPressTurnPressTurnTurnCancel Press1CH2CH3CHPressPressPressTurnCancelPressCancelPresse.g.)When setto ch.11CH2CH3CHPressPressPressTurnPRO3 mode setting1CH2CH3CHPressPress PressPressTurn TurnTurn Cancel Press1CH2CH3CHPressPressPressTurn Cancel PressHysteresis: StandardHysteresis: LargeHysteresis: SmallPressTurnTurnTurnTurnTurn Amount of shift: 15% approx.The amount of shift can be changed approx. 0 to 80%(5% step).Emission halt (Note 3)Emitting power HiEmitting power LoTurnPressPressTurnNotes: 3)4)If the sensor is returned to RUN state in theemitting halt condition, ' ' is displayed.The ' ' goes off when the emitting poweris turned on.Only in the response timeH-SP mode, ONcondition, the emitting power is 3 level.PRO5 mode setting: ConfirmedPress㧦Select the desired code(Note 2)Turn(Blinking)Press Press PressPressPressTurnTurn(Note 1)Adjust lock ONAdjust lock OFFGoes to 'RUN' modeafter blinking twice.Interference prevention function 1Interference prevention function 2 (Note 3)Press PressTurnTurnPressTurnPressTurnCancel PressNotes: 1)2)When any code other than the codes given in the Code setting table below is used, ' ' isdisplayed. The factory setting is ' '.When the code setting function is used, refer to the 'Code setting table' given below.However, the code setting is only for the output 1.PRO6 mode settingNormal modeWindowcomparatormodePressPressPressPressPressPress PressPress PressRising differential modeTrailing differential modeTurnTurnTurnTurnTurnPressPressPressPressTurnPressNormal modeAlarm outputError outputNote: When the differential mode is used, set the threshold value in the full-auto teaching. Furthermore, when the responsetime is used in STDF mode, LONG mode or U_LG mode, use the higher threshold value than that shown below.STDF mode: 40 digits LONG mode: 60 digits U_LG mode: 100 digitsON-delay㨯OFF-delayON-delay㨯ONE-SHOTONONON-delay㨯OFF-delayOFFON-delay㨯ONE-SHOTOFFH-02 (standard)H-SPH-02 (standard)U-LGH-02 (standard)STDF5s4s3s2s1sOFF1ms5ms10ms30ms50ms100ms300ms500ms3msDirectEQFGDirectEQFGDirectEQFGNONOFF-delayOFF-delayON-delayON-delayONE-SHOTONE-SHOTONNONOFFOFFOFFOFFONONONL-ONL-ONL-ONL-ONH-02 (standard)H-03 (large)H-03 (large)H-01 (small)digitD-OND-OND-OND-ONdigitPercentPercentPeak holdPeak holdBottom holdBottom holdSTDH-02 (standard)LONGH-02 (standard)FASTFASTFASTH-03 (large)LONGH-01 (small)H-01 (small)LONGSTDSTD1st figure 2nd figure 3rd figure 4th figureTimeroperationDirectEQFG TimerAdjustlockL-ON/D-ON DisplayResponsetimeH y s t e-resisCode setting table3)4)When the interference prevention function 2 ' ' is set, thenumber of mountable fibers becomes double. Furthermore,take care that the response time also becomes double.In order to change PRO mode setting to 'RUN' mode, pressMODE key for 2 sec. or more.The 0-ADJ setting function in this product was removed from production starting May, 2005.Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: - Email: