- 89 -End User License AgreementBefore opening the CD-ROM package, please read the following.You (“Licensee”) are granted a license forthe Software defined in this End UserLicense Agreement (“Agreement”) oncondition that you agree to the terms andconditions of this Agreement.Article 1 LicenseLicensee is granted the right to use thesoftware, including the information recordedor described on the CD-ROM, instructionmanuals, and any other media provided toLicensee (collectively “Software”), but allapplicable rights to patents, copyrights,trademarks and trade secrets in theSoftware are not transferred to Licensee.Article 2 Use by a Third PartyLicensee may not use, copy, modify,transfer, rent, lease, lend or allow any thirdparty, whether free of charge or not, to use,copy or modify the Software, except asexpressly provided for in this Agreement.Article 3 Restrictions on Copying theSoftwareLicensee may make a single copy of theSoftware in whole or a part solely for back-up purpose.Article 4 ComputerLicensee may use the Software only on onecomputer, and may not use it on more thanone computer. Further, Licensee may notuse the Software for commercial softwarehosting services.Article 5 Reverse Engineering,Decompiling or DisassemblyLicensee may not reverse engineer,decompile, or disassemble the Software,except to the extent either of them ispermitted under law or regulation of thecountry where Licensee resides. Panasonic,or its distributors will not be responsible forany defects in the Software or damage toLicensee caused by Licensee’s reverseengineering, decompiling, or disassembly ofthe Software.Article 6 IndemnificationThe Software is provided “AS-IS” withoutwarranty of any kind, either expressed orimplied, including, but not limited to,warranties of non-infringement,merchantability and/or fitness for a particularpurpose. Further, Panasonic does notwarrant that the operation of the Softwarewill be uninterrupted or error free. Panasonicor any of its distributors will not be liable forany damage suffered by Licensee arisingfrom or in connection with Licensee’s use ofthe Software.Article 7 Export ControlLicensee agrees not to export or re-export toany country the Software in any form withoutthe appropriate export licenses underregulations of the country where Licenseeresides, if necessary.Article 8 Termination of LicenseThe right granted to Licensee hereunder willbe automatically terminated if Licenseecontravenes any of the terms and conditionsof this Agreement. In this event, Licenseemust destroy the Software and relateddocumentation together with all the copiesthereof at Licensee’s own expense.