SpecificationsSettings and Printing NetworkMaintenance and Spec.Maintenance and Spec. 52■ Fonts for PostScriptThe following 35 fonts can be available.• Dutch 801 SWA, Dutch 801 Bold SWA, Dutch 801 Italic SWA, Dutch 801 Bold Italic SWA• Swiss 721 SWA, Swiss 721 Bold SWA, Swiss 721 Oblique SWA, Swiss 721 Bold ObliqueSWA• Fixed Pitch 810 Courier SWA, Fixed Pitch 810 Courier Bold SWA, Fixed Pitch 810 CourierItalic SWA, Fixed Pitch 810 Courier Bold Italic SWA• Symbol SWA• Century 702 Century Schoolbook SWA, Century 702 Century Schoolbook Italic SWA,Century 702 Century Schoolbook Bold SWA, Century 702 Century Schoolbook Bold ItalicSWA• Revival 711 ITC Bookman Light SWA, Revival 711 ITC Bookman Demi Italic SWA, Revival711 ITC Bookman Demi Bold SWA, Revival 711 ITC Bookman Demi Bold Italic SWA• Swiss 721 Narrow Bold SWA, Swiss 721 Narrow Bold Oblique SWA, Swiss 721 NarrowSWA, Swiss 721 Narrow Oblique SWA• Geometric 711 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book SWA, Geometric 711 ITC Avant Garde GothicBook Oblique SWA, Geometric 711 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi SWA, Geometric 711 ITCAvant Garde Gothic Demi Oblique SWA• Chancery 801 ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic SWA• ITC Zapf Dingbats SWA• Zapf Calligraphic 801 SWA, Zapf Calligraphic 801 Bold SWA, Zapf Calligraphic 801 ItalicSWA, Zapf Calligraphic 801 Bold Italic SWA