Setting the Printer DriverMacintoshBasics WindowsWindows 622 Edit• Text:Enables to create/edit a watermark text by entering/editing the text in the Text box.• Size:Enables to set the font size of the watermark. Drag each slider left or right or click or.• Angle:Enables to angle the watermark. Drag each slider left or right or click or .• FontsEnables to select the font for the watermark text.• ColorEnables to select the gray scale level for the watermark text.3 On First Page OnlyThe watermark is printed on the first page only by checking on the check box.4 Transparent TextThe watermark is printed with transparent text (shaded text) by clicking on the check box.5 As Outline OnlyThe watermark is printed with outline text. It can be selected if the check of TransparentText is removed.6 PositionThe watermark is printed in the center of page by default. The position can be adjusted bydragging the slider left or right or clicking or . To specify the position of watermark, itenables to select the unit inch or mm by clicking on the check button.• Center WatermarkEnables to reset the position of the watermark to the center of the page by clicking[Center Watermark].