◆Parameters for communication (Ethernet) ○: Available -: Not availableItem Range Initial value SettingKeys WebMEWTOCOLUse Available, Not available Available-○Protocol TCP,UDP TCPPort number 1024 to 65535 9094MODBUS(TCP)Use Available, Not available Available-Protocol TCP,UDP TCPPort number 502,1024 to 65535 502IP addressDHCP Yes (available),No (not available) No○Fixed IPaddress0.0.0.0 to mask serverAcquisitionmethod Auto-setting, Manual-setting Auto-setting -DNS server to serverWeb serversettingsYes (available),No (not available) Yes-User name(administrator)half-width alphanumeric(64-letter) adminPassword(administrator)half-width alphanumeric(64-letter) admin◆Parameters for optional functions ○: Available -: Not availableItem Range Initial value SettingKeys WebAuto-off 0 to 99 [min.] 1○ ○Display update cycle 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 [sec.] 1.0 secReset all integral value Yes, No NoReset integral value 1 Yes, No NoReset integral value 2 Yes, No NoReset integral value 3 Yes, No NoReset hour meter Yes, No NoReset count value Yes, No NoReset logging data Yes, No NoVersion◆Password ○: Available -: Not availableItem Range Initial value SettingKeys WebPassword change 0000 to 9999 0000 ○ ○Buy: www.ValinOnline.com | Phone 844-385-3099 | Email: CustomerService@valin.com