Item Description10 Power factor Select phase to monitor and set threshold to use for output.*Select ‘All’ when measuring 3P3W.< List & Range >Target phase:Phase1, Phase2, Phase3, ALL (initial: ALL)OFF threshold : 0.00 to 9999999999.99(initial: 9999999999.99)ON threshold : 0.00 to 9999999999.99 (initial: 9999999999.99)11 Count value Set a value of count to use for alarm output.0 to 999999 (initial: 0)12 Over Voltage Select phase to monitor.*The threshold is the ratio that is set at ‘Setting for PowerMeasurement’.< List >Target phase:Phase1, Phase2, Phase3, ALL (initial: ALL)13 Under Voltage14 Over frequency Select phase to monitor and set threshold to use for output.< List & Range >Target phase:Phase1, Phase2, Phase3, ALL (initial: ALL)OFF threshold : 0.00 to 100.00Hz (initial:100.00)ON threshold : 0.00 to 100.00Hz (initial:100.00)15 Under frequency16 Current THD Select phase to monitor and set threshold to use for output.< List & Range >Target phase:Phase1, Phase2, Phase3, ALL (initial: ALL)OFF threshold : 0.00 to 400.00% (initial:400.00)ON threshold : 0.00 to 400.00% (initial:400.00)17 Voltage THD18 Current harmonics19 Voltage harmonics20 Current unbalancing Select phase to monitor and set threshold to use for output.< Range >OFF threshold : 0.00 to 300.00% (initial:300.00)ON threshold : 0.00 to 300.00% (initial:300.00)21 Voltage unbalancing22 Power demand Select demand type to monitor and set threshold to use foroutput.< List & Range >Power Type : Active, Reactive, Apparent, Active(Export),Reactive(Export) (initial: Active)OFF threshold : 0.000 to 999999999.999(initial:999999999.999)ON threshold : 0.000 to 999999999.999(initial:999999999.999)23 Current demand Select phase to monitor and set threshold to use for output.< List & Range >Target phase:Phase1, Phase2, Phase3, ALL (initial: ALL)OFF threshold : 0.00 to 120.00% (initial:0.00)ON threshold : 0.00 to 120.00% (initial:0.00)Buy: | Phone 844-385-3099 | Email: