(1) ROM VERSIONFLASH ROM version(2) SUMFLASH ROM internal data calculation.(3) YOUR LOGOThe user logo recorded in the unit. If it is not recorded, NONEwill be displayed.(4) YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBERThe user telephone number recorded in the unit. If it is notrecorded, NONE will be displayed.(5) FAX PAGER NUMBERIf you program a pager number into the unit, the pager numberwill be displayed here.(6) FACTORY - CUSTOMERThis shows how many days from factory production until theuser turns ON the unit.(7) MONTHThe shows the very first month, date, year and time set by theuser after they purchased the unit.(8) DAYThe shows the very first month, date, year and time set by theuser after they purchased the unit.(9) YEARThe shows the very first month, date, year and time set by theuser after they purchased the unit.(10) TIMEThe shows the very first month, date, year and time set by theuser after they purchased the unit.(11) USAGE TIMEThe amount of time the unit has been powered ON.(12) FACTORY - NOWThis shows how many days from factory production until theuser prints out this history list.(13) TEL MODEThe amount of time the TEL mode setting was used.(14) FAX MODEThe amount of time the FAX mode setting was used.(15) Not Used(16) ANS/FAX MODEThe amount of time the ANS/FAX mode setting was used.(17) FINAL RECEIVE MODEThe last set receiving mode by the user.(18) TONE/PULSE SELECTIONThe most recently used setting used, either TONE or PULSE.(19) RECEIVE REDUCTIONThe compression rate when receiving.(20) SETTING NO. OF DIRECTORYThe recorded directory stations.(21) NUMBER OF COPYThe number of pages copied.(22) NUMBER OF RECEIVEThe number of pages received.(23) NUMBER OF SENDINGThe number of pages sent.(24) NUMBER OF CALLER IDThe number of times Caller ID was received.(25) NUMBER OF RECORDING MESSAGEThe number of messages recorded in TAM.(26)~(29) Not Used(30) NUMBER OF PRINTING WARNING LISTThe number of warning lists printed until now.(31) NUMBER OF PRINTING HELPThe number of help lists printed until now.(32) NUMBER OF DIVIDED PRINTING IN FAX RECEPTIONThe number of faxes received that were divided into more thanone sheet since the unit was purchased.(33) Not Used(34) FAX MODEMeans the unit received a fax message in the FAX mode.(35) MAN RCVMeans the unit received a fax message by manual operation.(36) FRN RCVMeans the unit received a fax message by friendly signaldetection.(37) VOXMeans the unit detected silence or no voice.(38) RMT DTMFMeans the unit detected DTMF (Remote Fax activation code)entered remotely.(39) PAL DTMFMeans the unit detected DTMF (Remote Fax activation code)entered by a parallel connected telephone.(40) TURN-ONMeans the unit started to receive after 10 rings. (Remote TurnOn: Service Code #573)(41) TIME OUTMeans the unit started to receive after Ring Time Out in theEXT-TAM or TEL/FAX mode.(42) IDENTMeans the unit detected Ring Detection.(43) CNG OGMMeans the unit detected the CNG while it was sending theDummy Ring Back Tone in the TEL/FAX mode, or whileanswering a call in the EXT-TAM mode. Or means the unitdetected the CNG while it was sending the OGM in theANS/FAX mode.(44) CNG ICMMeans the unit detected the CNG while it was recording theICM in the ANS/FAX mode. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE HISTORY REPORT59KX-FP362BX