V 3 Features3-170 FeaturesVoice Mail IntegrationDescription This system can accommodate Voice Processing System (VPS)equipment, which offers the user Voice Mail (VM) and AutomatedAttendant (AA) Services. If an extension user has set the CallForwarding destination to the VPS, the calling party will beforwarded to the VPS and can leave a voice message in the mailboxof the extension. When a call is transferred to the VPS by CallForwarding or Intercept Routing – No Answer (IRNA) features, themailbox number is sent to the VPS automatically with DTMF (DualTone Multi-Frequency) signaling (Follow On ID). Up to twelveextension jacks can be connected to VPS as extensions in thesystem.System Explanation1. Voice Mail Service1.1 Call Forwarding to VMIf an extension user sets Call Forwarding (C. FWD) whosedestination is the VPS, an incoming call is forwarded to theVPS under the proper conditions. The system sends to theVPS a mailbox number of the corresponding extension at thattime. Therefore the calling party can leave his / her messagein the mailbox of the desired extension without knowing themailbox number.Outside CallIntercomCallSystemExtension VM 1VM XVM 2VM 3VM HuntingChainVPSC.FWDDirect In Lines (DIL) 1:1, Direct Inward System Access (DISA)