4.4 Special Display FeaturesDPT Features 4-177System Feature Access MenuYou can access various features using the messages which are displayed inalphabetical order.To access the features, press the Feature (F4) button on the initial display first, andsearch for the desired feature message by pressing the NEXT (S3) button. Then pressthe Function button which is next to the desired feature message.Features on the First DisplayFirst DisplayPREV NEXTMENUAbsent MSG OffAbsent MSG On (→1-9)Busy Ovrd Deny (→1/0)C.Pickup COC.Pickup Deny (→1/0)See the next page.RING BGMCONTExtension STA SpeedFeatures SYS SpeedCall LogAbsent MessageCapabilityShows your message onthe calling party’s display.On-hook.Dial messagenumber (1 through 9).Enter the parameters,if required.On-hook.Cancel SetExecutive BusyOverride DenyDenies or allows otherpeople from joiningyour conversation.Dial 1 or 0.- 1: Deny- 0: AllowOn-hook.Dial 1 or 0.- 1: Deny- 0: AllowOn-hook.Call Pickup,Outside LinePicks up anoutside call foranother extension.Call PickupDenyDenies or allowsother peoplefrom picking upyour calls.