3 MbN: “Off” a MSELECTN a MOFFNEditing an outside monitoring number1 Press MMENUN on the handset beingmonitored.2 MbN: “On/Off” a MSELECTN3 MbN: “On” a MSELECTN4 MbN: Select the outside line. a MMENUN5 MbN: “Edit” a MSELECTN6 Edit the name if necessary. a MOKN7 Edit the phone number if necessary. aMOKN a MSELECTNErasing an outside monitoringnumber1 Press MMENUN on the handset beingmonitored.2 MbN: “On/Off” a MSELECTN3 MbN: “On” a MSELECTN4 MbN: Select the outside line. a MMENUN5 MbN: “Erase” a MSELECTN6 MbN: “Yes” a MSELECTN a MOFFNBaby monitor sensitivityYou can adjust the sensitivity of the babymonitor. Increase or decrease the sensitivity toadjust the sound level needed to trigger thebaby monitor feature.R This feature cannot be set during amonitoring call.1 Press MMENUN on the handset beingmonitored.2 MbN: “Sensitivity level” aMSELECTN3 MbN: Select the desired setting. aMSAVEN a MOFFNAnswering the baby monitorn When monitoring with a handset:Press MTALK/ZN to answer a call.If you want to respond from the monitoringhandset, press MMUTEN.R The monitoring handset will answer callsautomatically when the auto intercomfeature is set to “On” (page 23).Note:R If you receive an outside call whencommunicating with the monitoredhandset, the interrupt tone sounds. Toanswer the call, press MOFFN, then pressMTALK/ZN.n When monitoring from outside:Answer the call.If you want to respond from your monitoringphone, press #1 using tone dialing.You can turn off the baby monitor featureby pressing #0.Note:R The unit disconnects the callautomatically after 2 minutes.Other programmingChanging the handset nameThe default handset name is “Handset 1” to“Handset 6”. You can customize the nameof each handset (“Bob”, “Kitchen”, etc.). This isuseful when you make intercom calls betweenhandsets. To display the handset name instandby mode, turn on the handset namedisplay feature (page 43).1 MMENUN#1042 Enter the desired name (10 charactersmax.). a MSAVEN a MOFFNDisplaying the handset nameYou can select whether or not the handsetname is displayed in standby mode. Thedefault setting is “Off”.1 MMENUN#1052 MbN: Select the desired setting. aMSAVEN a MOFFNFor assistance, visit www.panasonic.ca/english/support 43Programming