Bone and Fat -Both bone and fat affect cooking.Bones may cause irregu-lar cooking. Meat next to the tips of bones may overcuokwhile meat positioned under a large bone, such as a hambone, may be undercooked. Large amounts of fat absorbmicrowave energy and the meat next to these ames mayovemook.DensityPorous, airy foods such as breads, cakes or rolls take lesstime to cook them henry, danas foods such as petatose androasts.When reheating donuts or other foodswithcanters be very careful. Certain foods have canters madewith sugas,water or fot and these cantsm attrastmicrowaves (For e_., jelly donuts).When a jelly donut isheated, the jelly can become e0dremelyhot while the exteri-or females warm to the touch. This could result in a bum ifthe food Is nut allowed to cool pmfledy in the cantor.QuantityTwo potatoas take krugerto cook than one putato.As thequarfdtyof the foed Incrseses uc does the cooking time.When cookingsmall amounts of food such as one or twopotatoes, do not leave oven unattended. The moisturecon-tent in the food may decrease and a tim could result.ShapeUniformsizes heat more emnly. The thin end of a drumstickwill cook more quiddy than the meaty end, To compensatefor irregularshapes, place thin parts toward the center ofthe dish and thick pieces toward the edge.SizeThin pieces cook more quicklythan thick pieces.Starting TemperatureFoods that are room temperature take less time to cookthanif they are chilled or refrigeratedor frozen.PiercingFoodswith sldnsor membranes muat be pletesd,scoredorhave s stdp of skin peeled beforecooldngfa alow atesm toascape. Plerca wholeegg yolksand whtias, dam_ oyaters,chk:kanRvers,wholepetmass and whele _ Wholeapplesor esw pefatses shcold havea l-inch atdp of sldnpseled beforecook_g. Scorn asucage and fraskfurtsrs.BrowningFoods will not have the came brown appearance as con-ventionally cooked foods or these foods which are cookedutilizinga browning feature. Meats and poultry may hecoated with browning sauce, Worseatemhim sauce, barbe-cue sauce or shake-on browning sauce. To use, combinebrowning sauce with melted butter or margadne; brush onbefore cooking.For quick breads or muffins, brown sugar can be used inthe recipe in place of granulated sugar, orthe surface canbe spdnkled with dark spices before baking.-19-