Follow These Safety Precautions When Cooking in Your OvenIMPO_A_Proper cooking depends upon the power, the time set andthe quantity of food. If you use a smaller portion thanrecommended and cook at the time for the recomreen_lportion, flro could mull1) HOME CANNING I DRYING FOODS I SMALLQUANTITIES OF FOODS• DO NOT use your oven for home canning, your ovencannot maintain the food at the proper canningtemperature. Impmpedy canned food may spoil end bedangerous to consume,• DO NOT dry meats, herbs, fruits or vegetables In youroven. Small quantltlesof food or foods wtih lowmoisturecontent can dry out, sonrchor catch on tim if overheated.2) POPCORNPspesm may be popped In a mlcrewave oven corn popper.Microwavepoponm whichpops In ifs own pecksgs ls alsoavailable.Folow popcorn manufacturers'directionsand use abrandsuitablefor the wattage of your mlcmwsveoven.CAUTION:When using pro-packaged relcmwave popcorn, followrecommrexledpadmge I_ Cbe_ pedmgew_ght_4_ro ._ng theP_x=m _d (m Poplin Padseutlon). Sst the oven for the weight of the POlmOmpack_e.If these Irellrucllonl m not folto',wd, the _ mlycot pop ndequati,# or rosy Ignna Imd cauae i fire. NeverIseve oven uuat_ded whco popping popeo_ AIkiw thepop_m beg to €ool before opening, _veyo open thebeg mmy tram your tace and body to prmmnt stsereburns.3) DEEP FAT FRYING• DO NOT attempt to deep fat fry in your microwaveoven.Cooldngoils rnay burnt Into flames and may cBJes damegeto the oven and perhaps result tn burns. Microwaveutensilsmay nut be able to withstandthe temperature ofthe hot oil, and could shatter or mall4) FOODS WITH NONPOROUS SKINS• Potatoee, apples, whole egg_ egg yolks, whole squashand sausages am e_amples of foods with nonporousskins. These types of foods must be pierced beforemicrowavecookingto prevent their bursting.• Use fresh potatoesfor baking and cook untiljust done.Use recommended weiahts for omoremmed cooldna.Ovel'cookinacsuses de_mtlon end rn_ result in s _m.5) UQUlDS• Hested liquids can erupt if not relxsd with sir. DO NOT bestliquidsin your microwaveoven withoutfirst s'Urrlng.Overheated liquidswill erupt.6) GLASS TRAY l COOKING UTENSILS l FOIL• Cooking utensils get hut dudng mlsrowavlng. Heat istransferred from the HOT food to the container and theGlass Tray. Use pothoidemwhen removing utensilsfromthe oven or when removing lidsor plasticwrap covem fromcooking utensils to avoid burns.• The Glass Tray will get hot dudng cooking. It shouldbeallowedto cool before handlingor before paper produc_,such as paper plates or microwavepopcom bags, amplaced in the oven for microwavecooking.• When usingfoil, skswere,warming reck or utons'ds made ofmetal in the oven, allow at least 1-inch (2,5 cm) of spacebetween metal material and intedor oven walls, if arcingocoure(spsddng), mrnove metal materiel (skewem, etc.)and/or transferto e non-metalliccontainer.• Dishes with metallictrim should not be used, as arcingmey Occur.• If an entree is heated in a foil tray, maintain st least 1-Inch(2.5 cm) spe_ from the oven w_s.7) PAPER TOWELS / CLOTHS• DO NOT use psper towels or dioths whlc_ coutaln asynthetic fiber woven intothem. The synthetic fiber maycause the towel to ignite. Use paper toweling undersupe=_sion.8) BROWNING DISHES l OVEN COOKING BAGS• Browning dishes or grills me designed for microwmmcooking only.Always follow instructionsprovided bythemanufacturer.DO NOT preheet browningdish more than6 minutes,• Ifan ovencookingbag ls usedformicrowavecooking,prepemancordingto packs_ _'ec_ns. DO NOTLineawiretwist-dsto closebeg,inetsedusepla_c tic6,onttonstringor a stdpcutfromtheoponond of the beg.9) THERMOMETERS• DO NOT use a conventionalmeat thermometer In youroven. Arcingmay occur. Microwave-sefothermometers areaveilable for buth mest and candy,10) BABY FORMULA l FOOD• DO NOT heat baby formulaor food In the microwaveo_en.The glassjar or surface of the food may appear to be onlywarm while the Inierfor can be so hot as to bum the infont'smouth and esophagus,11) REHEATING PASTRY PRODUCTS• When reheating pastry products,check temperatures ofany fillingsbefore estfog.Some food6 have fillingswhichheat fester and csn be extremely hot, wilile the sudeceremains warm to the touah (e_. Jelly Donuts).12) GENERAL OVEN USAGE GUIDEUNES• DO NOT use the _mn for any mason other than theprepemtion of food.• DO NOT leave oven unattended while in use.-4-