muREMOTE ► V C R1 VCRS OFFREC LAMP ►OFF ONBEEP S 0 U N D►O F F ONSHTR EFFECT►O F P ONCLOCK SET ►- YESSELFSHOOT ►NORMAL M1RRORHflfium IBM1* y. ENGLISHCamera Mode Main-Menu[CAMERA FUNCTIONS] (Continued)[OTHER FUNCTIONS] Sub-Menu ©0 Remote Controller Mode [REMOTE] <-» 132)0 Recording Lamp [REC LAMP] (-> 44)0 Beep Sound [BEEP SOUND]If you set [BEEP SOUND] to [ON], a confirmation/alarmbeep sound is emitted in the following cases:1 Beep•When you start recording•When you switch the [OFF/ON] Switch from [OFF] to[ON]2 Beeps•When you pause recording10 Beeps•When you operate the Movie Camera in an inappropriateway before or during recording0 Shutter Effect [SHTR EFFECT] (-» 54)0 Date and Time Setting [CLOCK SET] (-» 40)0 Self-Recording [SELFSHOOT] (-t 48)[DEMO MODE] Sub-Menu ®0 Demonstration Mode [DEMO MODE]If you connect the AC Adaptor to the Movie Camera, setthe [OFF/ON] Switch to [ON] without any cassetteinserted, and leave it on for approximately 10 minuteswithout performing any operation, the Movie Cameraautomatically switches over to the Demonstration Mode toshow its functions.Pressing a button or performing some other operationsuspends the Demonstration Mode. Leaving the MovieCamera again on for more than 10 minutes withoutoperating it, causes the demonstration to start again.Also, when you set [DEMO MODE] to [ON] and then exitthe menu, the demonstration starts.To cancel the Demonstration Mode, insert a cassette orset [DEMO MODE] to [OFF].