Record mode33VQT1L41ª To cancel fadingSelect the [ ] icon again.≥The [FADE OFF] indication appears on thescreen of the movie camera.ª To select the colour for fade in/outThe colour which appears in fading pictures canbe selected.1 Set [ADVANCED] >> [FADE COLOUR] >>[WHITE] or [BLACK].≥While the fade in/fade out function is selected, ittakes several seconds to display the imagewhen you start recording images. Besides, italso takes several seconds to pause recording.Wind noise reduction functionThis reduces the wind noise coming into themicrophone when recording.≥Set to Tape Recording Mode.1 Set [BASIC] >> [WIND CUT] >> [ON].ª To cancel the wind noise reductionfunctionSet [BASIC] >> [WIND CUT] >> [OFF].≥The default setting is [ON].≥Reduces the wind noise depending on the windstrength. (If this function is activated in strongwinds, the stereo effect may be reduced. Whenthe wind weakens, the stereo effect will berestored.)Anti-Ground-Shooting (AGS)This function prevents unnecessary recordingwhen you forget to pause recording and walk withthe camera tilted upside down while recordingcontinues.≥If the movie camera continues to be tiltedupside down from the normal horizontal positionwhile recording on a tape, it is automatically putinto recording pause.AGS: Anti-Ground-Shooting≥Set to Tape Recording Mode.1 Set [SETUP] >> [AGS] >> [ON].ª To cancel Anti-Ground-ShootingSet [SETUP] >> [AGS] >> [OFF].≥The AGS function may activate and cause themovie camera to pause the recording if you arerecording a subject right above or right belowyou. In these cases, set [AGS] >> [OFF] thencontinue the recording.≥Use the recording start/stop button to pause orstop the recording. The AGS function is only abackup function for when you forget to pausethe recording.≥The time it takes the camera to be put intorecording pause after being tilted upside downvaries depending on the operating conditions.