SPECIAL REMOTE BUTTONSSpecial Remote ButtonsASPECT ButtonCustomer Options depending on input Signal FormatThe ASPECT button on the remote control lets you chooseone of four display modes, depending on the formats of thereceived signal and your preferences.Enp_tsig_E __ii__ _480i o1480p4:3 -i__ma_e on16:9 Screen ,_ze1_4_Emage or_16:9 $creel_ SEzeI_ - 16 _1_ma_le _n16_9 Screen $_eI_--- 16 --__mage on16:9 S_eer_ SizeThis will display a 4:3 pictureat its standard 4:3 size withgray side bars. (Notrecommended for viewing4:3 pictures as it may createa permanent image onscreen if displayed for aprolonged period of time.)Enput ,_gnaE _T48Cl _ 4aOpThis will expand the 4:3picture uniformly (width andheight) to full screen widthand then reposition thepicture vertically.(Recommended for letterboxpictures.)_nput Sig_4s0_ or 480pFULL -pThis will show picture at fullscreen size. (Recommendedfor anamorphic pictures.)_ii__ iiJUST -_This will stretch the right andleft edges of a 4:3 picture tofill the screen, The center ofthe screen will have aspectcorrection applied. The sizeof the picture will depend onthe original signal.(Recommended for regularTV viewing.)BBE ButtonPress this button to turn BBE ViVA 3D (available on PT-53TWD63and PT-56TVVD63 only) or BBE sound feature (available onPT-47WXD63 and PT-53WXD63) On or Off.SAP ButtonPress this button to select the next audio track (if available) whenreceiving a digital channel.In analog mode, press this button to cycle through different audiomodes. For example:If receiving STEREO, SAP and MONO or receivingSTEREO and MONO only, pressing SAP button,the audio will toggle as follows:r_STEREO _ SAP "-* MONO q[PROG buttonPROGWhen tuning digital channel, press the _ button to enter thevminor number in a compound channel number.MENU buttonPress to display the Main menu or return one step backward inmenus.RECALL buttonPress this button to display or remove the channel banner.R-TUNE ButtonPress to switch to previously viewed channel, Photo Viewer TM orinput modes.12e