BUTTONNUMBERPress to access Photo VleWerT"_A sO press while Photo V ewer_ s displayed to. access PhOto viewer TM set UP menuPress t0 mute Sound; Press to diSPlay and€.,ce,cc(€,0Sed€.pt.0, iPress to ChOoSe menu and Sub,menu entry:REMOTE CONTROL OPERATIONB UTTONNUMBER_ress numeric keypad to select any channel or press toenter a!phanumeric input in menus_.... . ,°....... Vmwer orPIP M!N - Whi!e remote is in TV mode, press todecrease the P!P size.REW _While remote is inVCR or DVD mode press torewind:While remote s in VCR 0rDVD mode Press topause,in analog mode, press t0 access audio modes (sta_o,SAP0r Mon0)_ !n digital mode; press to access nextaudio track.PreSs to Swiich t0 (A 0r B)RF antenna input.PreSs t0 diSpiay or deiete Channei bannsrlPress t0 change channels and navigate in menus:piP MAX _ While in TV mode, press to increase the P!Psize.FF _ While in VCR or DVD mode press tO fastforward,Nhiie rem0te iS in VCR or DvD m0del preSs t0 SI0p:While PIP frame is displayed press to move to Oneof four corners_Battery InstallationUse two AA batteries (supplied):Remove battery cover by pushing the tab while lifting the coverup. Install batteries matching (+) and (-) polarity signs. Replacethe battery cover.Note: Incorrect installation can cause battery leakage and corrosionthat will damage the Remote ControlPrecautionsReplace batteries in pairs. Do not mix battery types (zinc carbonwith alkaline). Do not recharge, heat, short circuit, disassemble, orburn batteries.13e