ENGLISH-35 Basic Operation34-E NGLISHCONTRASTThis adjusts the contrast of thepicture. Press the H button to makethe picture brighter, and press theI button to make the picturedarker. (Adjust the BRIGHT settingfirst if required before adjusting theCONTRAST setting.)SHARPNESSPress the H button to make thepicture details sharper, and pressthe I button to make the picturedetails softer.TV SYSTEM(S-VIDEO/VIDEO only)AUTO1 The projectorautomatically distinguishesbetween NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL/SECAM signals.AUTO2 The projectorautomatically distinguishesbetween NTSC/PAL-M/PAL-N signals.This should normally be set to“AUTO1” or “AUTO2”. If the signal isof such poor quality that the correctformat cannot be automaticallydistinguished, change the settingmanually to the required TV system.Colour Hue Setting(color temperature)Use COLOR TEMP. to adjust colouraccording to the type of screenbeing used.NORMAL is for white screens.COOL is for grey screens.WARM is for yellow screens.WHITE BALANCE R/G/B(PC only)This is used to adjust the whiteareas of the picture if they appearcolourised.Press the I button to make theselected colour lighter.Press the H button to make theselected colour stronger.SIGNAL MODE(PC/YPBPR only)This displays the type of signalwhich is currently being projected.Refer to the table on page 49 fordetails on each type of signal.Adjusting the pictureUse the F and G buttons to selectan item, and then use the I and Hbuttons to change the setting for thatitem.For items with bar scales, press theENTER button or the I or Hbuttons to display the adjustmentscreen, and then use the I or Hbuttons to make the adjustment.When an S-VIDEO/VIDEO signal isbeing inputP I C T U R EP I C T U R E M O D E N O R M A LC O L O R 0T I N T 0B R I G H T 0C O N T R A S T 0S H A R P N E S S 0C O L O R T E M P . N O R M A LT V - S Y S T E M A U T O 1S E L C T A D J E S CWhen a YPBPR signal is being inputP I C T U R EP I C T U R E M O D E N O R M A LC O L O R 0T I N T 0B R I G H T 0C O N T R A S T 0S H A R P N E S S 0C O L O R T E M P . N O R M A LS I G N A L M O D E 5 2 5 IS E L C T A D J E S CPICTURE MODEWhen an S-VIDEO/VIDEO/YPBPRsignal is being inputWhen a PC signal is being inputSelect the picture mode that bestmatches the image source androom conditions.The mode best used in dark roomsis NATURAL or CINEMA. For roomshaving regular lighting conditions inuse, select NORMAL. Forexceptionally bright rooms, useDYNAMIC.COLOR(S-VIDEO/VIDEO/YPBPR only)Press the H button to make thecolour more vivid in tone, and pressthe I button to make the colourmore pastel in tone.TINT(NTSC/NTSC 4.43/YPBPR only)This adjusts the flesh tones in thepicture. Press the H button to makeflesh tones more greenish, andpress the I button to make theflesh tones more reddish.BRIGHTThis adjusts the darker areas (blackareas) in the picture. Press the Hbutton if dark areas are too solid (forexample, if hair is difficult to see),and press the I button if blackareas are too light (grey rather thanblack).When a PC signal is being inputP I C T U R EP I C T U R E M O D E N O R M A LB R I G H T 0C O N T R A S T 0S H A R P N E S S 0C O L O R T E M P . N O R M A LW - B A L R 0W - B A L G 0W - B A L B 0S I G N A L M O D E S V G AS E L C T A D J E S CP I C T U R E M O D E N O R M A L[D Y N A M I C[N A T U R A LP I C T U R E M O D E N O R M A L[D Y N A M I C[C I N E M AT V - S Y S T E M A U T O 1[A U T O 2[N T S C[N T S C 4 . 4 3[P A L[P A L - M[P A L - N[S E C A MC O L O R T E M P . N O R M A L[C O O L[W A R M