42NOTE:B If you press the AUTO SETUP buttonafter correcting the keystone distortionmanually, the automatic keystonecorrection function will operate and thecorrected picture will return to itsprevious incorrect condition. In addition,if you change the input signal and pressthe AUTO SETUP button, the keystonecorrection may be cancelled dependingon the type of signal and the angle of tiltof the projector. To prevent them fromhappening, you can set “AUTOKEYSTONE” in the OPTION menuto “OFF”B The greater the correction of keystonedistortion amount, the more the picturePicturecondition OperationPress the FFbutton.Press the GGbutton.Press the IIbutton.Press the HHbutton.POSITIONMoves the picture position.Press the I or H buttons to move thepicture horizontally.Press the F or G buttons to move thepicture vertically.DOT CLOCK(RGB only)Periodic striped pattern interference(noise) may occur when a stripedpattern such as the one below isprojected. If this happens, use theI and H buttons to adjust so thatany such noise is minimised.CLOCK PHASE(RGB only)Adjust the DOT CLOCK setting firstbefore carrying out this adjustment.Use the I and H buttons to adjust sothat the noise level is least noticeable.NOTE:B If signals with a dot clock frequencyof 140 MHz or higher are being input,interference may not be completelyeliminated when the DOT CLOCKand CLOCK PHASE adjustments arecarried out.KEYSTONEBefore carrying out keystone correction,1) adjust the forward/back angle of tilt ofthe projector by pressing the adjusterbuttons and 2) press the AUTO SETUPbuttons to correct vertical keystonedistortion. (pages 30 and 31)The vertical keystone distortion willbe automatically corrected by theprojector's automatic setup functionKEYSTONE H:V:00POSITION H:V:12832when using the standard lens.However the horizontal distortion oradjustment of the tilted screen needsto be corrected manually by followingany of the procedures below.