46Select the item pressing the F or Gbuttons on the remote control unit orthe projector.Press the I or H buttons to adjustthe selective items. To make theSHUTTER or WEB PASSWORD(PT-L780NTU only) functions work,press the ENTER button.SHUTTERThe shutter function can be used tomomentarily turn off the picture andsound from the projector when theprojector is not being used for shortperiods of time, such as duringbreaks in meetings or when carryingout preparation. The projector usesless power in shutter mode than itdoes in normal projection mode.OSDONThe current input name is displayedin the top-right corner of the screenwhen the input signal is changed.OFFUse this setting when you do not wantthe current input name to be displayed.AUTO KEYSTONEThis should normally be set to ON.ONDuring automatic setup, the angle oftilt of the projector is detected andvertical keystone distortion iscorrected automatically.OFFUse this setting when you do notwant automatic keystone correctionto be carried out during automaticsetup, such as when the screenitself is at an angle.RGB/YPbPrThis setting is valid when 750p,HDTV60, HDTV50, 525p, 625i and525i signals are being input. Selectthe setting in accordance with theinput signal.The RGB/YPbPr item is displayedwhen an RGB1 IN, RGB2 IN orRGB 3 IN connectors has a signalbeing input.RGB2 SELECTThis setting is used to select thefunction of the RGB2 IN/RGB OUTconnector.The selected input source (RGB1 orRGB3) is output when RGB OUT isselected.Option settingsOPTIONSHUTTEROSDAUTO KEYSTONERGB/YPbPrRGB2 SELECTBACK COLORFRONT/REARDESK/CEILINGLAMP POWERLAMP RUN TIMENEXT PAGE @ 10 HOFFOFFRGBINPUTBLUEFRONTDESKLOWONONYPbPrOUTPUTBLACKREARCEILINGHIGHSELECT:[^][@]ADJUST:[{][}]ENTER:[ENTER]ESC:[MENU]OPTIONPREVIOUS PAGE ^FAN CONTROLWEB CONTROLWEB STANDBYWEB PASSWORDCONTROL KEYFUNC1SET ID ALLAUTO POWER OFF DISABLESTANDARDOFFOFFOFFMUTEHIGHONONONKEYSTONESELECT:[^][@]ADJUST:[{][}]ENTER:[ENTER]ESC:[MENU]