[PICTURE] menu50 - ENGLISHSettings4) Adjust [FULL SCAN(B)]/[SINGLE LINESCAN(B)].▶z Select the [PICTURE] menu → [ADVANCEDMENU] and press ◀▶ to adjust [BRIGHTNESSB] and then [CONTRAST B].[BRIGHTNESS B]Adjusts the black level of thedisplay signal to 0% (0 IRE or7.5 IRE).z Setting range- 16 to +16[CONTRAST B]Adjusts the white level of thedisplay signal to 100% (100 IRE).z Setting range- 32 to +32▶■ To set [MONITOR POSITION]You can set the display position of the input waveformduring the full scan display.Press ◀▶ to switch [MONITOR POSITION].z The setting will change as follows each time youpress the button.[UPPER LEFT] [UPPER CENTER] [UPPER RIGHT][LOWER RIGHT] [LOWER CENTER] [LOWER LEFT][UPPER LEFT] Displays the input waveform onthe upper left.[UPPERCENTER]Displays the input waveform onthe upper center.[UPPER RIGHT] Displays the input waveform onthe upper right.[LOWER LEFT] Displays the input waveform onthe lower left.[LOWERCENTER]Displays the input waveform onthe lower center.[LOWERRIGHT]Displays the input waveform onthe lower right.▶■ To set [AUTO ADJUST]The luminance level of the output signal from aconnected external device is automatically adjustedby setting the automatic waveform adjustment items.1) Press ▲▼ to select an adjustmentitem.Automatic waveform adjustmentitemsFactorydefault[START AUTO ADJUST] —[BLACK LEVEL ADJUST] [ON][WHITE LEVEL ADJUST] [ON][RGB ADJUST (BLACK)] [OFF][RGB ADJUST (WHITE)] [OFF]2) Press ◀▶ to switch the adjustment.3) Press ▲▼ to select [START AUTOADJUST], and press the button.▶z The [PROCESSING] message is displayed.When adjustment is complete, a confirmationmessage for applying results is displayed.4) Press ◀▶ to select [OK].5) Press the button.Notez When [BLACK LEVEL ADJUST] is [ON], thedisplay signal Y (brightness) value’s black level isautomatically adjusted to the 0% position.z When [WHITE LEVEL ADJUST] is [ON], thedisplay signal Y (brightness) value’s white level isautomatically adjusted to the 100% position.z When [RGB ADJUST (BLACK)] is [ON], the displaysignal R (Red), G (Green), and B (Blue) value’sblack level are all automatically adjusted to the 0%position.z When [RGB ADJUST (WHITE)] is [ON], the displaysignal R (Red), G (Green), and B (Blue) value’swhite level are all automatically adjusted to the100% position.z If [WAVEFORM MONITOR] is [OFF], [AUTOADJUST] cannot be executed.z Project the luminance adjustment signal of acommercial test disk etc., and perform automaticadjustment. However, even with an adjustmentdisk, correct adjustment may not be possible ifnoise is included on the disk itself or the playbackdevice generates noise.