E NGLISH -43 Adjustments and settings42-ENGLISH# Press the MENU button.The “MAIN MENU”will be displayed.$ Press the FF or GG button to select an item.Selected item willbe displayed inblue.% Press the ENTER button to accept theselection.The selectedmenu screen willthen bedisplayed.(Example:“POSITIONADJUSTMENT”menu)& Press the FF or GG button to selectan item, and then press the II orHH button to change the setting.For items without any selectivesetting, press the ENTER button.The next screen for the item willthen be displayed.For items with bar scales, press theENTER button or the I or H buttonto display the adjustment screen,and then press the I or H buttonto make the adjustment.(Example: DOT CLOCK)The bar scale will turn green whenany adjustment changes the settingfrom the factory set value.POWERAUTOSETUPINPUT MENUSHUTTERVOLUMEENTERROTATERETURNENTERSTDMenu operation guideM E N UP I C T U R E A D J U S T M E N TP O S I T I O N A D J U S T M E N TO T H E R S E T U PL A N G U A G E S E T U PS E C U R I T Y S E T U PS D P I C T U R E S E T U PS E L E C T E N T E R E X I TM E N UP I C T U R E A D J U S T M E N TP O S I T I O N A D J U S T M E N TO T H E R S E T U PL A N G U A G E S E T U PS E C U R I T Y S E T U PS D P I C T U R E S E T U PS E L E C T E N T E R E X I TP O S I T I O N A D J U S T M E N TK E Y S T O N EA S P E C T 4 : 3P O S I T I O ND E T A I L E D S E T U PS E L E C T E N T E R R E T R NNOTE:B Press the MENUbutton to return tothe previousscreen.Unavailable on-screenmenu itemsThis projector has unadjustableitems and unusable functionsdepending on the signal beinginput.When an item cannot be adjustedor a function cannot be used, thecorresponding on-screen menudisplay does not appear, and theitem or function will not work evenif the ENTER button is pressed.Returning a setting to the factory defaultIf you press the STD (standard) button on the remote control unit, you canreturn settings to the factory default settings. However, the operation of thisfunction varies depending on which screen is being displayed.B When a menu screen is beingdisplayedB When an individual adjustmentscreen is being displayedD E T A I L E D S E T U PC O N T R A S T 3 2B R I G H T N E S S 3 2C O L O R A D J U S T M E N TS E L E C T E N T E R R E T R ND O T C L O C K 3 2NOTE:B Triangle symbols above andbelow the bar scale indicatethe factory default setting.Indicates the standard factory default settingIndicates the current adjustment value3 23 2C O L O RT I N TOnly the item selected will bereturned to the factory defaultsetting, and the bar scale willappear white. All items displayed will bereturned to their factory defaultsettings, and the bar scale willappear white.