E NGLISH -49 Adjustments and settings48-ENGLISHSTILL MODE(S-VIDEO/VIDEO only)To reduce flickering of still images(vertical flicker), set “STILL MODE”to “ON”.This should normally be set to“AUTO”. If the signal is of such poorquality that the correct formatcannot be automaticallydistinguished, change the settingmanually to the required TV system.T V - S Y S T E M A U T O[N T S C[N T S C 4 . 4 3[P A L[P A L - M[P A L - N[S E C A MTV-SYSTEM(S-VIDEO/VIDEO only)Press the F or G button on theremote control unit to select an item,and then press the I or H buttonto change the setting.NOTE:B When set to “AUTO”, theprojector automaticallydistinguishes betweenNTSC/NTSC 4.43/PAL/PAL60/PAL-M/PAL-N/SECAM signals.NOTE:B Set to “OFF” when playingback moving images.DETAILED SETUPYou can adjust the noise and flickerof the projected images. Press theENTER button to display the“DETAILED SETUP” menu.DOT CLOCK(PC only)Periodic striped pattern interference(noise) may occur when a stripedpattern such as the one below isprojected. If this happens, press theI or H button to adjust so that anysuch noise is minimised.CLOCK PHASE(PC/YP B P R only)Adjust the “DOT CLOCK” settingfirst before carrying out thisadjustment. Press the I or Hbutton to adjust so that the noiselevel is least noticeable.NOTE:B If using this projector in placessuch as cafes or hotels to displayprogrammes for a commercialpurpose or for publicpresentation, note that if theaspect ratio (16:9) selectionfunction is used to change theaspect ratio of the screenpicture, you may be infringing therights of the original copyrightowner for that programme undercopyright protection laws.B If a 4:3 picture is projected ontoa 16:9 screen, distortion mayoccur around the edges of thepicture so that part of the pictureis no longer visible. Programmeswhich have 4:3 aspect ratiosshould be viewed in 4:3 mode togive proper consideration to theaims and intentions of theoriginal programme’s creator.POSITION(PC/YP B P R/S-VIDEO/VIDEO only )Moves the picture position.Press the ENTER button to display the“POSITION” screen.Press the I or H button to move thepicture horizontally.Press the F or G button to move thepicture vertically.HORIZ. 3 2VERT. 1 6NOTE:B If signals with a dot clockfrequency of 100 MHz orhigher are being input,interference may not becompletely eliminated whenthe “DOT CLOCK” and“CLOCK PHASE” adjustmentsare carried out.D E T A I L E D S E T U PD O T C L O C K 3 2C L O C K P H A S E 1 6S E L E C T E N T E R R E T R ND E T A I L E D S E T U PS T I L L M O D E O F FA D J R E T R NWhen a PC/YPB P R signal is being inputWhen an S-VIDEO/VIDEO signal isbeing inputAUTO SIGNALThis should normally be set to “ON”.ON“AUTO SETUP” will be carried outwhen the input signal is changed to“PC”.OFF“AUTO SETUP” will not functionwhen the input signal is changed to“PC”.Other settingsO T H E R S E T U PA U T O S I G N A L O NT V - S Y S T E M A U T OF R O N T / R E A R F R O N TD E S K / C E I L I N G D E S KH I G H L A N D O F FL A M P R U N T I M E 1 0 HS X G A M O D E S X G AC T R L P A N E L V A L I DN R O F FS E L E C T A D J R E T R N