74● Muting setting changing functionThe setting of the muting function is changeable.1. Input order of the muting input A and B can be specified so that the muting function will bevalid.The muting function will be valid either the muting input A or B comes first to input at thetime of factory setting.2. Select either to validate or invalidate the muting function per beam channel. (Note 1)The muting function is valid in all beam channels at the time of factory setting.3. Select either to validate or invalidate the muting lamp diagnosis function. (Note 2)The muting lamp diagnosis function is valid at the time of factory setting.4. Output operation of a muting sensor which is to be connected to the muting input of thisdevice can be set with the handy controller (SE9Z-HC) (optional). (Note 3, 4)• NONO (Normally Open, Normally Open)It is at the time of factory setting.• NONC (Normally Open, Normally Closed)Connect a sensor or switch whose output operation is NO (Normally Open) type to themuting input A and connect a sensor or switch whose output operation is NC (NormallyClosed) type to the muting input B.To make the muting function valid, time difference between the time during muting inputA becomes ON from OFF (Open) and the time during muting input B becomes OFF(Open) from ON should be within 3 sec.Muting input Operation at ONstateOperation at OFFstateNO (Normally Open) typeON with light non-received status(photoelectric sensor, etc.)ON with object approaching status(inductive proximity sensor, etc.)ON with object contacted status(position switch, etc.)A0V or +V OpenNC (Normally Closed) typeON with light received status(photoelectric sensor, etc.)ON with object non-approaching status(inductive proximity sensor, etc.)ON with object non-contacted status(position switch, etc.)BNotes: 1) If a beam channel whose muting function is set to be invalid is blocked during the muting, the controloutput (OSSD 1 / 2) will be turned OFF and the muting function will be released.2) Selectable with the handy controller (SE9Z-HC) (optional). If the muting lamp diagnosis function is setto be invalid, the muting function is maintained even if a lamp blows or a lamp is not connected.3) Selectable with the handy controller (SE9Z-HC) (optional).4) The muting function will be invalid if the muting sensor which is connected to the muting input of thisdevice differs from the output operation which is set with the handy controller (SE9Z-HC) (optional).● Override setting changing function (Note)Maximum continuous effective time set at the override function can be changed.The maximum continuous effective time can be set in the range of 60 to 600 sec. (in units of10 sec.).Note: Selectable with the handy controller (SE9Z-HC) (optional).● Protective functionUnless the password is inputted, any change in setting of the device is not allowed.The factory setting is set to be invalid for the protective function.