44Universal Remote Control (continued)Learning the Codes Programmed Into the RemoteIf you set up the Hard Disk Recorder remote by following “Searching for YourComponent’s Code” on page 43, you may want to figure out which four-digitcode is operating your equipment. Use this procedure after you set up yourcomponents to find out which four-digit code is operating your equipment.For example, to find out which code is operating your TV after setting upyour TV, follow steps below.Learn your code.1) For the first digit of your four-digit code, press 1 andcount the number of times the red LED blinks on theremote.2) For the second digit, press 2 and count the numberof times the red LED blinks on the remote.3) For the third digit, press 3 and count the number oftimes the red LED blinks on the remote.4) For the fourth and final digit, press 4 and count thenumber of times the red LED blinks on the remote.• If the LED does not blink, the digit is zero.Hold down CODE SET until the remote’s redLED blinks twice, then release.2Press TV.1Press 9 - 9 - 0.34NOTE• To find out the code for your other components, repeat steps1~4, and substitute the appropriate device button (TV, SAT/CABLE, or VCR/DVD) for the component code you wish to learn.Re-assigning Component ModeButtonsYou can program the Hard Disk Recorder remote component modebuttons (TV, SAT/CABLE, or VCR/DVD) to control other homeentertainment components.For example, to control a TV, a cable box, and a DVD player, you will need tore-assign the VCR button to operate the DVD player, follow the steps below.Hold down CODE SET until the remote’s redLED blinks twice, then release.aPress 9 - 9 - 2. The red LED will blink twice.bYou can now program the VCR/DVD button for your DVD player.See “Setting Up Your Components” on page 42.dPress VCR/DVD twice. The red LED will blink twice.cTo reassign other component mode buttons...Repeat steps a~d by substituting the button sequence fromthe list of popular components at right.TV as 2ndVCR buttonTV as 2ndCABLE buttonTV back to TVVCR as 2ndTV buttonVCR as 2ndCABLE buttonVCR back to VCRReassigning device keysPress: CODE SET9-9-2-VCR-TVPress: CODE SET9-9-2-CABLE-TVPress: CODE SET9-9-2-TV-TVPress: CODE SET9-9-2-TV-VCRPress: CODE SET9-9-2-CABLE-VCRPress: CODE SET9-9-2-VCR-VCRRed LEDCODE SETVCR/DVDcSAT/CABLETV1Numberbuttons2a34bPanaHDR- P42-.p65 00/12/01, 16:4044