IndicationsOthers144LSQT1025MessagesCANNOT RECORD. Data writing to the disc or card has failed.NO DATA. There are no images recorded on the disc or card.INCOMPATIBLE DISC. You inserted an incompatible disc (copy-protected discs, etc.).PLEASE CHECK THEDISC.You inserted a disc that cannot be read on this unit (a discrecorded in NTSC video format etc.).FOR BESTPERFORMANCEPANASONIC DISC ISRECOMMENDED.You inserted a disc that does not meet the DVD standard forquality and performance so you may not be able to recordnormally. Refer to the following support site for informationabout discs that have been confirmed as compatible byPanasonic. website is in English only.)CANNOT RECORD IN AGSMODE. The AGS function is activated. (l 51)CANNOT RECORD.(THIS DISC IS FINALIZED)A finalized DVD-RW (Video format) or DVD-R has beeninserted. After finalizing, the discs become play-only and cannotrecord. If you un-finalize a DVD-RW (Video format), it can beused for recording. (l 107)CANNOT RECORD. DISCIS FULL.The disc is full or the number of scenes has reached themaximum limit so no further data can be recorded. Deleteunnecessary scenes (l 87) or insert a new disc.CANNOT RECORD. THENUMBER OF SCENES HASEXCEEDED THE MAXIMUMLIMIT.INTERNAL TEMPERATURETOO HIGH. PLEASE TURNUNIT OFF AND WAIT AWHILE.The temperature of the unit is high so it cannot be operated.Turn off the power, wait until the unit cools and then turn on thepower again.LSQT1025(ENG).book 144 ページ 2006年2月4日 土曜日 午後6時10分