Retuning from Setup Menu48Retuning from Setup MenuAutomatically retune the channels received in the area.• This function is available if channel tuning is already performed.• Only the selected mode is retuned. All the previous tuning settings are erased.• If Child Lock PIN number (p. 60) has been set, the PIN number is required.• If tuning has not been done completely [Manual Tuning] (p. 52, 55)freesat channels■ To return to TVEXIT1 Select freesat(p. 18)TV2 Display the menuMENU3 Select [Setup]Main MenuPictureSoundTimerSetupaccessselect4 Select [freesat Tuning Menu]freesat Tuning Menu Access accessselect• The displayed item depends on the selected mode.5 Select [Auto Setup]Example :Auto Setup Accessfreesat Tuning Menuaccessselect6 Start Auto Setup (Settings are made automatically)freesat Auto SetupAll freesat tuning data will be erased 101000821freesat Auto SetupSignal QualitySearchingSignal StrengthTV Channels FoundRadio Channels FoundData Channels FoundChannels found, creating channel list7 Enter your postcode1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Enter Postcode for local channels including spacePostcodeYour postcode is required to receive localservices and sort the channel order.Please ensure to include a space whenentering your postcode.Set charactersselectset(green)• You can set characters by using numericbuttons.“Characters table for numericbuttons” (p. 110)When the operation is completed, the channel at the lowest position will be displayed.For Auto Setup, usingthe buttons on the sidepanel of the TV (p. 11)1 Press repeatedly until[Auto Setup] appears2 Access [Auto Setup]3 Start [Auto Setup]• To return to TV