DIRECT TV RECNASPECTINPUTAVTVOPTIONTEXTREC PROGRAMMESTTL INDEX HOLDGUIDEVIERATOOLSDVD/VCR TVEXITBACK/RETURNTVabc defjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyz12Auto SetupSearch and store TV channels automatically.These steps are not necessary if the setup has been completed by your local dealer.●Please complete connections (p. 10 and p. 11) and settings (if necessary) of the connected equipment before●starting Auto Setup. For details of settings for the connected equipment, read the appropriate manual.1 Plug the TV into mains socket and switch On(Takes a few seconds to be displayed)If the red LED shows on the TV, press the●Standby On / Off switch on the remotecontrol for at least 1 second to turn the TVOn.Auto Setup will start to search for TVchannels and store them in the numberedorder as specified by the broadcasters.(freesat tuning)freesat Auto SetupSignal Quality 0 10Signal Strength 0 10TV Channels Found 8Radio Channels Found 2Data Channels Found 1SearchingChannels found, creating channel listIf “freesat Auto Setup” cannot be done●completely“FAQs” (p. 107)(DVB and Analogue tuning)Auto Setup - DVB and AnalogueAnalogue ScanThis will take about 6 minutes.CH 21 68DVB Scan CH 21 6862CH Channel Name Type QualityCBBC Channel Free TV 1062 BBC Radio Wales Free TV 1062 E4 Free TV 1062 Cartoon Nwk Free TV 1029 Analogue -33Free TV: 8 Pay TV: 0 Radio: 0 Data: 0 Analogue: 2SearchingBBC1 Analogue -Actual number of channels may differ due●to channel duplication.Sending Preset DataPlease wait!0% 100%Remote control unavailableIf Q-Link, or similar technology (p. 94),compatible recorder with analogue tuneris connected, analogue channel setting isautomatically downloaded to the recorder.(Digital channel setting is not downloaded.)If downloading has failed, you can download●later through the Setup Menu.“Q-Link Download” (p. 40)2 Enter your postcodeEnter Postcode for local channels including spacePostcodeA B C D E F G H I J K L M NU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6O P Q R S T7 8 91.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0Your postcode is required to receive local●services and sort the channel order.Please ensure to include a space whenentering your postcode.If you skip this step, the default postcode●(central London) will be set.How to enter the postcode■Set characters one by oneselectsetYou can set characters by using numeric●buttons.“Characters table for numeric buttons”(p. 104)Exit to go to next stepgreen(continued to the next page)