USB HDD / SD Card Recording763 Confirmation of USB HDD nameUSB Drive AUSB HDD FormattingEdit name?Yes NoName :setselectThe name for the USB HDD is created automatically. If you want to edit the name, select [Yes].Set characters StoreUSB HDD 1A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! : #a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s tu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _USB HDDNameselectset• You can set characters by using numeric buttons.4 Confirmation to enable USB HDD for recordingIf the formatted USB HDD for recording already exists, this confirmation screen will be displayed toswitch to enable this USB HDD for recording.Do you want to enable thisdevice now for recording?When disconnecting any USB device,always use the "Safely Remove USB" functionin the USB HDD Device Setup menu to avoidany corruption of recorded content.USB HDD FormattingYes Nosetselect [Yes]USB Drive AUSB Flash DiskUSB HDD 1USB HDD SetupProduct NameMode: The USB HDD is available for recording / playing back.Only one USB HDD on the list can be available for recording.: The USB HDD is available for playing back.USB HDD name is displayed• To format • To edit USB HDD name • To change the mode(red) (green)• To remove the USB HDD safely from the TV(yellow)• To set “Safely remove USB” in other conditions (p. 21)SD Card FormattingFormats the inserted SD Card for recording with this TV.• Please note that all data in the SD Card will be erased after formatting.1 Confirmation of formatting SD CardSD Card FormattingAre you sure?Yes NoFormat SD card.setselect [Yes]2 Caution of using SD CardYour SD card must be formatted before TV recordingscan be made. All data stored on the SD card will bedeleted during formatting. Continue?SD Card FormattingYes Nosetselect [Yes] SD formatting will start• If the formatting has failed,• Ensure the SD Card is inserted correctly (p. 74)• Ensure the write-protection switch is unlocked.• Check your SD Card is suitable for recording. (p. 116)