-17- Connection with the MonitorsConnect the Monitors to the Spot Output (SPOTOUT) Connector and Multiscreen (MULTISCREEN)Connector on the rear of the Video Multiplexer. Connection with the WV-CU550ASystem ControllerIf the supplied 6-conductor cable assembly is used,simply plug one end of the cable into the DATA INport of the Video Multiplexer and the other end intoDATA OUT port on the System Controller.If you use cables assembled from locally procuredmaterials, it is important that only high quality, datagrade cable, suitable for RS-485 “2-wire twistedpair shielded cable” is used, BELDEN 9406 orequivalent.Low grade cable will result in unstable operation ofthe system. Setting the Termination and Controller UnitNumberThe Termination Switch and the Controller UnitNumber Switch are located on the rear of theSystem Controller.When combined with the WJ-FS616 Video Multi-plexer, always keep these switches in the positionsshown below. Setting the Mode Selection SwitchThe Mode Selection Switch, that selects the opera-tion mode of the System Controller, is located onthe rear of the System Controller.When combined with the WJ-FS616 Video Multi-plexer, always keep these switches in the positionsshown below.SPOT MULTISCREEN OUTOUT I N S–VIDEOVIDEOVideo MultiplexerWJ-FS616TERM. MODEON OFF0OFFONTERM.OFFINOUTONDATA IN OUTTERMON OFFDATA0123456789CONTROLLERUNIT NO.1-8Video MultiplexerWJ-FS616System ControllerWV-CU550A Connection with the PCThere are two options to communicate with the PC,the first is using RS-232C port and the second is viaDATA port.Connection with the WV-CU550A System ControllerRS-232C• In page 2 of 2 of the SYSTEM SETUP menu, selectthe RS-232C MODE and press the SET button toactivate the RS-232C port on the rear panel. Thenyou need to select the parameters of the RS-232C inthe COM PORT SETUP menu detailed on page 35.• Use a cross type RS-232C cable to connect theMultiplexer with the PC.DATAIn page 2 of 2 of the SYSTEM SETUP menu, selectthe DATA MODE and press the SET button to acti-vate the DATA port on the rear panel. Then youneed to select the parameters of the DATA in theCOM PORT SETUP menu detailed on page 35.Use a 6-core modular cable to connect the Multi-plexer with the PC.Caution:Data disruption may occur if you use both DATAport and RS-232C port at a time. Use only one portto communicate with the PC.FGTxDRxDRTSCTSSGDTRDSRDCD1234572068PCFGTxDRxDRTSCTSSGDTRDSRDCD1234572068FS616 end1616No. No.Name Data Flow1 1GND –2 2RX(B) FS616 ← Controller3 3RX(A) FS616 ← Controller4 4TX(B) FS616 → Controller5 5TX(A) FS616 → Controller6 6GND –Controller end