-45-ALARM ALARMALARM ALARMALARM ALARMALARM ALARMALARMALARM ALARMALARM ALARMALARM ALARMALARM ALARM[Spot][Quad Spot][Quad Sequence]ALARM2. Alarm Indication Mode• The camera pictures selected before alarm wasactivated remain on the monitor screen.• If the alarmed channels are displayed, the cameratitle and alarm display blink alternately on the moni-tor screen.Note: If the alarm channel is in the Still mode, itreturns to normal viewing. Spot Output1. Alarm Spot Mode• The alarmed camera picture is displayed in SingleSpot mode on the spot monitor. When anotheralarm is received, the display switches to showingthe most recent alarmed camera picture in SingleSpot mode.• The camera title and alarm display blink alternatelyon the monitor.2. Alarm Ignore Mode• The camera pictures selected before alarm wasactivated remain on the monitor screen.• If the alarmed channels are displayed, the cameratitle and alarm display blink alternately on the moni-tor screen.4. Camera Preset MovementEnables movement of the camera to the preset posi-tion that was specified in the ALARM TERMINALSETUP table of the SYSTEM SETUP menu.Refer to the setup on page 34. Record Output• Alarms are recorded in the mode specified for theALM REC MODE parameter on the ALARM SETUPmenu.• Alarmed channels are recorded with more fieldsthan in normal recording if ON is specified for theDYNAMIC REC parameter in the ALARM SETUPmenu. Multiscreen Output1. Alarm Link Mode• The picture of the alarmed camera is displayed inSingle Spot mode on the multiscreen monitor. TheLED on the corresponding CAMERA button blinks.• When multiple alarms are activated, the pictures ofthe alarmed cameras are displayed on a quadscreen in the order of upper left to lower right seg-ment. From the fifth alarm on, the pictures are over-written in the order of upper left to lower right seg-ment, then displayed in sequence with the previousquad pictures.• The Dwell Time for each step can be programmedon the ALARM SETUP menu.• An incomplete picture may appear when switchingthe 4-segment screen sequence.