69Alarm Control Alarm Acknowledgement (ACK)By acknowledging an alarm occurrence on an associatedmonitor, you can control alarm pictures. WV-CU950/650While a monitor in the alarm mode status is selected, pressthe ACK button. (During the alarm mode status, "Alarm"sign is blinking on the LCD.)The alarm event will be acknowledged. ("Alarm" sign willchange to steady light.) WV-CU360C/CJWhile a monitor in the alarm mode status is selected, pressthe ACK button. (During the alarm mode status, the alarmnumber is blinking on the LED display.The alarm will be acknowledged. (The alarm number willchange to steady light.)In the ACK status, the following operations are available. Camera ControlYou can control panning/tilting of cameras, or move cam-eras to preset positions, etc. Alarm Picture ChangeWhen two or more alarms are occurring, you can changealarm pictures displayed on the monitor in order or reverseorder. WV-CU950/650To change alarm pictures on the monitor, press the + or –button. The alarm pictures will be displayed in order orreverse order. WV-CU360C/CJTo change alarm pictures on the monitor, press the NEXTor PREV button. The alarm pictures will be displayed inorder or reverse order. Alarm Individual ResetYou can reset each acknowledged alarm separately, andreturn to the status before alarm occurrence. While two ormore alarms are occurring, the system will remain in thealarm mode even after an alarm reset.To reset an acknowledged alarm, press the ACK button.The alarm will be reset.Notes:• An alarm whose Display Mode setting is OFF will not bethe ACK status. The alarm will be reset by every press-ing the ACK button.• If AUTO RESET has been set to ON, alarms will be resetautomatically after the specified time. AUTO RESET set-ting is performed in "Alarm" – "Alarm Mode" of WJ-SX650 Series Administrator Console or the ALARMmenu of SETUP MENU. Refer to p. 50 ALARM of SETUPMENU. Alarm Monitor ResetYou can reset all the alarms occurred to the selected moni-tor.While the selected monitor is in the alarm mode status,press the ALM RESET*1 (or RESET* 2) button. All the alarmsoccurred to the monitor will be reset, and the monitor dis-play will return to the status before the alarm occurrence.*1 WV-CU950/650* 2 WV-CU360C/CJNote: Alarm monitor reset is also available by supplyingAlarm Recover Input signals to the unit. (Refer to p. 37.) Alarm All ResetYou can reset all the alarms occurred to the system.Press the ALM ALL RESET*1 (or ALL RESET*2) button whileholding down the SHIFT button. All the alarms occurred tothe system will be reset.