96Chapter 5 Internet FaxTips for Internet FaxYour machine uses the same communication protocols as Email: the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP).The differences from a standard G3 fax communication using the Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN) are as follows. Differences between Internet Fax and Fax Stations on the Telephone LineFax stations connected to the telephone line transmit data over a telephone line at their ownexpenses.Internet Fax, on the other hand, breaks down image data into packets and transmits them from aLAN to the Internet or an Intranet without using a telephone line, thus the telephone bills on long-distance calls can be saved. When Email Transmission Fails• Your machine does not directly connect to the final destination, but rather connects to a MailServer via LAN. Therefore, if a document cannot be correctly transmitted due to an error, theerroneous mail may be returned from the Mail Server to your machine.• Error mail may take a long time to return (20 to 30 minutes normally) depending on the location ofthe remote stations, the degree of line congestion on the Internet, or the network configurationand so on.• Depending on the Mail Server, it is possible that erroneous mail is not returned at all. Therefore,when transmitting important or time sensitive documents, it is recommended that you follow upwith a telephone call to confirm reception.• Documents may not be able to transmitted to a remote station correctly if the remote station’smailer does not support MIME. Error mail may be returned depending on the type of the remotemail server.• Documents consisting of multiple pages or including a large amount of image data may not betransmitted.z If “172 Direct IFax XMT” has been set to “Valid” in Function Parameters (Fax/Email Settings> FaxParameters), documents are directly transmitted to Email addresses pre-programmed in the addressbook.z This machine supports the Message Delivery Notice (MDN) feature. Program this feature when you wantto make sure whether the Email you sent has reached the receiving station successfully. For moredetails, refer to Message Delivery Notice (MDN). (See page 93) Telephone Calls Cannot Be Made via LAN• Your machine can only make a phone call using a regular telephone line. (if an externaltelephone is connected to your machine)• Fax communication cannot be performed using Voice Over IP network communication.