9EN6.3.1 HMRS Ball Screw DriveA carriage is linearly moved by a rotating ball screw drive driven by the motor; the carriage is mounted on a guidesystem in a movable manner. The screw turns clockwise.The load to be moved is fastened onto the carriage.The permissible thrust force, speed and the linear displacement per rotation of the drive shaft depends on thedesign of the screw used.The dimensioning is as per the ordering process (HMR catalogue)• ES = Effective Stroke• SS = Safety Stroke• CD = Carriage distance• CL S = Carriage length Standard• CL L = Carriage length long• S = Stroke• 0S = Order Stroke• OAL = Over All LengthXQCL / CLS LQXStroke S = Order Stroke OSOver All Length OALOrder Stroke OS = Effective Stroke ES + 2 x Safety Stroke SSOver All Length OAL = Order Stroke OS + Carrier Length CL + 2 x dimension end cap XStandard design with one carriageCL / CLS LQX CL / CLS LQXOver All Length OALOrder Stroke OS = Effective Stroke ES + 2 x Safety Stroke SS + Carriage distance CDOver All Length OAL = Order Stroke OS + 2 x Carrier Length CL + 2 x dimension end cap XTandem design with two carriagesStroke S = Order Stroke OSDimension table - Carriage and Over All Length HMRSProduct size CLS CL L Q XHMRS08 195in advance16 54.0HMRS11 225 20 65.0HMRS15 266 20 62.0HMRS18 311 20 66.0HMRS24 371 20 73.0Dimensions in mm