113. Image Optimization3. Image Optimization3.1 SmartImageWhat is it?SmartImage provides presets thatoptimize display for different typesof content, dynamically adjustingbrightness, contrast, color and sharpnessin real time. Whether you're workingwith text applications, displaying imagesor watching a video, Philips SmartImagedelivers great optimized monitorperformance.Why do I need it?You want a monitor that deliversoptimized display all your favoritetypes of content, SmartImage softwaredynamically adjust brightness, contrast,color and sharpness in real timeto enhance your monitor viewingexperience.How does it work?SmartImage is an exclusive, leading edgePhilips technology that analyzes thecontent displayed on your screen. Basedon a scenario you select, SmartImagedynamically enhances the contrast, colorsaturation and sharpness of images toenhance the contents being displayed -all in real time with the press of a singlebutton.How to enable SmartImage?1. Press to launch the SmartImageon screen display.2. Keep pressing to toggle amongFPS, Racing, RTS, Gamer 1, Gamer 2,LowBlue Mode, EasyRead, Off.3. The SmartImage on screen displaywill remain on screen for 5 seconds,or you can also press "OK" to makeconfirmation.There are multiple selections: FPS,Racing, RTS, Gamer 1, Gamer 2, LowBlueMode, EasyRead, Off.5DFLQJE36576*DPHU *DPHU /RZDOXH 0RGH(DV\5HDG• FPS: For playing FPS (First PersonShooters) games. Improves darktheme black level details.• Racing: For playing Racing games.Provides fastest response time andhigh color saturation.• RTS: For playing RTS (Real TimeStrategy) games, a user-selectedportion can be highlighted for RTSgames (through SmartFrame). Thepicture quality can be adjusted forthe highlighted portion.• Gamer 1: User’s preference settingssaved as Gamer 1.• Gamer 2: User’s preference settingssaved as Gamer 2.• LowBlue Mode: LowBlue Mode foreasy on-the-eyes productivity Studieshave shown that just as ultra-