11. Important1. ImportantThis electronic user’s guide is intendedfor anyone who uses the Philips monitor.Take time to read this user manualbefore you use your monitor. It containsimportant information and notesregarding operating your monitor.The Philips guarantee applies providedthe product is handled properly forits intended use, in accordance withits operating instructions and uponpresentation of the original invoiceor cash receipt, indicating the date ofpurchase, dealer’s name and model andproduction number of the product.1.1 Safety precautions andmaintenanceWarningsUse of controls, adjustments orprocedures other than those specifiedin this documentation may result inexposure to shock, electrical hazardsand/or mechanical hazards.Read and follow these instructions whenconnecting and using your computermonitor.Excessive sound pressure fromearphones and headphones can causehearing loss. Adjustment of theequalizer to maximum increases theearphones and headphones outputvoltage and therefore the soundpressure level.Operation• Please keep the monitor out ofdirect sunlight, very strong brightlights and away from any other heatsource. Lengthy exposure to thistype of environment may result indiscoloration and damage to themonitor.• Keep the display away from oil. Oilmay damage the plastic cover of thedisplay and void the warranty.• Remove any object that could fallinto ventilation holes or preventproper cooling of the monitor’selectronics.• Do not block the ventilation holeson the cabinet.• When positioning the monitor, makesure the power plug and outlet areeasily accessible.• If turning off the monitor bydetaching the power cable or DCpower cord, wait for 6 secondsbefore attaching the power cable orDC power cord for normal operation.• Please use approved power cordprovided by Philips at all times. Ifyour power cord is missing, pleasecontact your local service center.(Please refer to Service contactinformation listed in Importantinformation manual.)• Operate under the specified powersupply. Be sure to operate themonitor only with the specifiedpower supply. Use of an incorrectvoltage will cause malfunction andmay cause fire or electric shock.• Protect the cable. Do not pull orbend the power cable and signalcable. Do not place the monitoror any other heavy objects on thecables, if damaged, the cables maycause fire or electric shock.• Do not subject the monitor to severevibration or high impact conditionsduring operation.• To avoid potential damage, forexample the panel peeling from thebezel, ensure that the monitor doesnot tilt downward by more than -5degrees. If the -5 degree downwardtilt angle maximum is exceeded, the