123. Image Optimizationviolet rays can cause eye damage,shortwave length blue light raysfrom LED displays can cause eyedamage and affect vision over time.Developed for wellbeing, PhilipsLowBlue Mode setting uses a smartsoftware technology to reduceharmful shortwave blue light.• EasyRead: Helps improve readingof text based application like PDFebooks. By using a special algorithmwhich increases the contrast andboundary sharpness of text content,the display is optimized for astress-free reading by adjustingthe brightness, contrast and colortemperature of the monitor.• Off: No optimization bySmartImageGAME.3.2 SmartContrastWhat is it?Unique technology that dynamicallyanalyzes displayed content andautomatically optimizes a Monitor'scontrast ratio for maximum visualclarity and viewing enjoyment, steppingup backlighting for clearer, crisperand brighter images or dimmingbacklighting for clear display of imageson dark backgrounds.Why do I need it?You want the very best visual clarityand viewing comfort for every type ofcontent. SmartContrast dynamicallycontrols contrast and adjustsbacklighting for clear, crisp, brightgaming and video images or displaysclear, readable text for office work.By reducing your monitor's powerconsumption, you save on energy costsand extend the lifetime of your monitor.How does it work?When you activate SmartContrast, it willanalyse the content you are displayingin real time to adjust colors and controlbacklight intensity. This function willdynamically enhance contrast for a greatentertainment experience when viewingvideos or playing games.