C HAPTER T WO : TV OPERATION 277To set the Off time, pressthe DOWN arrow button toselect “Off Time”.Press the RIGHT arrowbutton to set the hour andminutes. (Follow the sameprocedure as in steps 3~6.)TimerOn time : 7:30 am OnOff time : -- : -- am OffSleep Timer : OffOn time volume : 10FunctionCH Move Sel. Exit8If you want to set thevolume level when the TVturns on, press the DOWNarrow button to select “Ontime volume”. Press theLEFT/RIGHT arrow buttonsto set the volume level youwant when the TV turns on.9When finished setting thetimer, press the MENUbutton to exit.TimerOn time : 7:30 am OnOff time : -- : -- am OffSleep Timer : OffOn time volume : 10FunctionCH Move Sel. Exit4Press the RIGHT arrow button to highlight the minutes setting.Press the UP/DOWN arrow buttons repeatedly to select theappropriate minutes.5Press the RIGHT arrow button to highlight “Off”.Press the DOWN arrow button to turn the on timer “On.”(Repeatedly pressing the UP/DOWN arrow buttons will alter-nate between On and Off.)6When finished, press the RIGHT arrow button. To deactivate the “On time,” select “Off” during thisstep.T V O P E R AT I O N3Press the DOWN arrowbutton to select “OnTime.”Press the RIGHT arrowbutton to highlight thehours setting.Press the UP/DOWNarrow buttons repeatedlyto select the appropriatehour (i.e., the hour whenthe TV will turn on.)TimerOn time : 7:30 am OnOff time : -- : -- am OffSleep Timer : OffOn time volume : 10FunctionCH Move Sel. Exit When you set the hours, make sure the correct time ofday (am or pm) appears to the right of the hour.16061510-CHAPTER 2 12/13/02 11:44 AM Page 27