Using the TV’s Features14 Chapter 2US TV RatingsThe US TV Ratings lets you decide which TV programs can and cannotbe viewed. To set TV programming limits:1. Press MENU to bring up the menu system.2 Choose the Parental Control icon. Enter the 1111 default passwordor the password you chose and press OK to continue.3. Highlight and press the right arrow to display US TV Rating.4. Once you get to the US TV Ratings screen, use the up and downarrow buttons to highlight a rating.Proceed to the next sections for more details about how to change thestatus of TV program ratings.Blocking Age-Based RatingsYou can automatically block all program ratings above a specified age-based rating level. For example, if you only want your child to watchprograms that have a TV-G rating and lower (in other words, you wantthe child to watch TV-G, TV-Y7, and TV-Y), then you need to blockout higher ratings.To block programs with higher ratings:1. First, determine the lowest level rating you don’t want the child towatch.2. Highlight the lowest rating you do not want the child to watch. Inthe example discussed above, you would highlight TV-PG, sincethe highest rating you want the child to watch is TV-G.3. Press the OK button to toggle between View and Block. Thestatus for the rating you chose and all higher ratings automaticallychange to Block.4. To lock the settings, exit the Parental Control menu or menusystem and the password screen appears. Enter your passwordand press OK. If you exit the menu system without entering yourpassword, the settings you changed won’t take effect.NAVIGATE ▼ ▲ VIEW/BLOCK OK P.C. MENU MENU▼▼Status ContentTV-MA View... L S VTV-14 View... D L S VTV-PG View... D L S VTV-G View...TV-Y7 View... FVTV-Y View...US TV RATINGSMAIN MENUNAVIGATE ▼ ▲ VIEW/BLOCK OK P.C. MENU MENU▼▼Status ContentTV-MA View... L S VTV-14 View... D L S VTV-PG View... D L S VTV-G View...TV-Y7 View... FVTV-Y View...US TV RATINGSMAIN MENURating FieldLets you select the age-basedrating you want to block or view.Rating Status FieldLets you select whether the statusof the age-based rating limit tothe left is View or Block.Content ThemesLists the content themes youcan block or view.Content Status FieldsDisplays whether the status of thecontent theme is currently Lockedor Unlocked.Hierarchy of Age-Based RatingsTV-MA Mature Audience OnlyTV-14 Parents Strongly CautionedTV-PG Parental Guidance SuggestedTV-G General AudienceTV-Y7 Directed to Children 7 yearsand olderTV-Y All ChildrenThe US Rating Limit ScreenThe following is an example of where items are located within the V-Chip TV Ratings screen.