56 chapter 6The Menu SystemThe Rating Limit MenuCreating a PasswordBy default, the Rating Limit feature is unlocked (no password required). To set rating limits, youwill need to create a password.1. With no disc playing, press MENU (the main menu appears).2. Press 5 to select Rating Limit (The RATING LIMIT screen appears).3. Press the right arrow button to turn Use Password on (the CREATEPASSWORD screen appears.4. Enter a four-digit password using the number keys on the remote.5. To confirm the new password, you will be prompted to re-enter it.Re-enter the new password.• If you’ve re-entered the new password correctly, you arereturned to the RATING LIMIT screen.• If you’ve re-entered the new password incorrectly, the messageNew passwords do not match appears. The CREATE PASSWORDscreen appears again and you must re-enter the new passwordand confirm it.