9Your RCU1010 has the ability to automatically scroll through the entire Code Lists by usingthe Autosearch feature.To start a Code Autosearch, follow these steps:7. The current code being sent is displayed in the upperright-hand corner.Note: The Code Search starts from the currently stored codeunder that mode. For example, if the component Code Listcontains 100 codes and the currently stored code is 050, theCode Search starts from 051 and continues to 100 beforelooping back to 000 and finishing at 050. This speeds up theprocess of finding the correct code for your component, sinceyou may discover that some codes can turn your componenton and off but are not able to control its other functions. Thisprocess allows you to bypass codes you’ve already tried.8. If your component responds and you accidentally overshootthat code by pressing the ON•OFF key again, press andrelease the CH- key or LCD DOWN ARROW key to backtrackthrough the Code List. You can change the direction toforward once again by pressing the ON•OFF, CH+, or LCDUP ARROW keys.9. After pressing the LCD OK key in step six, the LCD displaysthe Code Search Mode? Screen. The Code Search Methodentry is now complete. To exit the Setup Mode, press andrelease the LCD EXIT key, followed by the LCD OK key onthe Exit Setup Screen.Code Autosearch1. Manually turn on the component to be controlled (TV, VCR,DVD, etc.).2. Press and hold the SETUP key on the rubber keypad for 2-3seconds until the LED indicator light remains on and thetouchscreen shows the Code Setup Mode? Screen.3. Release the SETUP key.4. Press and release the SETUP key again. The LCD displaysthe Code Search Mode? Screen.5. Press and release the desired component key (TV, VCR, SAT,etc.). For AUX, press and release the LCD AUX key followed bythe desired component key to be programmed under that key.Note: The AUX key automatically defaults to CABLE unlessanother selection is made.6. The LCD displays the Code Search Key? Screen. Press andrelease the ON•OFF key once. If you do not press any otherkeys, the Autosearch feature automatically starts in six seconds.7. The Autosearch sends the next code in the list every threeseconds. The current code being sent is displayed in theupper right-hand corner.Note: The Autosearch can take a significant amount of time,since there are many codes in the list.8. To speed up the Autosearch, you can manually override theprocess and temporarily speed it up by pressing the normalsearch keys (CH+, CH-, ON•OFF, LCD UP and DOWNARROW) in both forward and reverse directions.