2Basic Operation2Settings. Repeat steps 3-4 for all the FIPS codes that youwish to store.. Press to exit FIPS code entry mode. The scannerdisplays F showing that FIPS codes are enabled.. Press PRI/ALERT to initiate SAME Standby mode.The scanner displays F [1-7] CH StAndby.The scanner will monitor weather channels for alertswith matching FIPS codes. To exit SAME Standby mode,press PRI/ALERT again.n Notes:• Press L/O during step 4 to lock-out FIPS entries;L/0 appears in the display. Press L/O again toenable FIPS entries; L/0 disappears.• If you do not enter any FIPS codes, or if your FIPScodes are locked out, when you enter SAMEStandby mode the scanner receives alerts andwarning messages for all receivable areas.• When a weather channel is set as the prioritychannel and priority operation is enabled (PRIshows in the display), all alerts are received andFIPS settings are ignored.• The scanner sounds an alert when it receivesthe SAME code. To stop the alert and ready thescanner to receive a new alert signal, press any keyexcept / .• If you do not stop the alert within five minutes,the alert stops and the scanner beeps every tenseconds. If the scanner receives a new weather alertafter five minutes, it sounds the new alert.SkywarnMany areas of the country have amateur radio repeatersthat have been designated as “Skywarn” repeaters.During times of severe weather, these repeaters areused to relay reports of severe weather directly tometeorologists at a local National Weather Serviceforecast office. Using the Skywarn feature in yourscanner, you can easily jump to your local Skywarnfrequency and monitor these reports, in many caseshearing about severe weather in your area instantly as itoccurs.1. Before using this feature, you must programthe Skywarn frequency into channel 200 (see“Programming Known Frequencies into Channels” onpage 20).2. To activate Skywarn, press and hold / forabout two seconds.. The scanner jumps to channel 200 and displays .n Note: Refer to www.radioreference.com to find theskywarn frequencies in your area.SettingsSetting DelayTo avoid missing a reply in conversations, a two-seconddelay is automatically set for each channel. The scannerstops for two seconds after a transmission ends beforeit resumes scanning or searching. DLY appears in thedisplay when the delay function is active.To turn delay off, press •/DELAY while the scanner ismonitoring a channel or frequency. DLY disappears.To turn delay on:• If the scanner is scanning and stops on an activechannel, quickly press •/DELAY before it resumes.• If the desired channel is not selected, manuallyselect the channel, then press •/DELAY.• If the scanner is searching, press •/DELAY. DLYappears and the scanner adds a two-second delayto every transmission it stops on in that bank.Locking Out Channels and FrequenciesYou can increase the scanning or search speed bylocking out channels or frequencies that have acontinuous transmission, such as control channels,weather channels, or birdie frequencies.Press L/O when the scanner stops on a channel orfrequency while scanning or searching. The scannerlocks out the channel/frequency then continuesscanning/searching.