24 DOMINION KSX USER M ANUAL2. Click on the [Add] button.3. The Add Connection dialog appears, whose options are grouped into three tabs: Connect, Compression, andSecurity.Connect Tab• Description: Enter a text name to easily identify the Raritan device that you are configuring, such as"Atlanta_Datacenter."• Connection Type: Select TCP/IP Connection for a LAN/WAN connection; select Dial-Up Connection for adirect analog modem connection to the Raritan device.For a TCP/IP Connection, select the manner by which RRC should locate your Raritan device:• IP Address: The IP address assigned to your Raritan device (see Chapter 4: Administrative Functions,Network Configuration).• Name: The name assigned to your Raritan device during initial setup (see Chapter 4: AdministrativeFunctions, Network Configuration).Note: If dynamic DHCP addressing is used for Dominion KSX, then Find Dominion KSX byName should be used.Note: The factory default unit name for each Dominion KSX produced is . Tochange the default name on a Dominion KSX unit and institute a unique name, see Chapter 4.• DNS Name: If you have configured your DNS server to resolve a DNS name to the IP address that you haveassigned to your Raritan device, you may use this DNS name to access your Raritan device.For a Dial-Up Connection, enter the dialing parameters that RRC should use to establish a connection:• Phone Number: Be sure to include any additional codes that RRC should dial to establish a connection, such ascountry codes, area codes, outside line access codes, etc.• Modem: Select the modem, as configured in Windows, that RRC should use to dial and connect to your Raritandevice.Select a TCP Port to use:• Use Default Port Number: Dominion KSX is configured by default to use TCP Port 5000 for communicatingwith RRC. Dominion KSX can be configured to use a different TCP Port (see Chapter 4: AdministrativeFunctions, Network Configuration); if so, uncheck the Use Default Port Number option, and enter theconfigured TCP Port to be used.