CHAPTER 4: ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS 55Administer User AccountsThe Add, Change, or Delete User Accounts screen lists all existing user accounts for Dominion KSX and shows ifeach user is currently logged in to Dominion KSX from a Remote PC. Administrators who log on to the DominionKSX Admin Console can use this screen to administer Dominion KSX user accounts.Add New UsersPress the letter <A> (‘Add a new user’) to access the User Account Settings screen and add a new user profile.Note: Dominion KSX will limit the number of total users (not including ADMIN) that can beadded to the database, depending on the number of user licenses purchased. Be sure to enter youruser license key codes by selecting [K] Key Configuration in the Configuration menu.Use the <Tab>, <↑>, or <↓> keys to select each line on the User Account Settings screen and the <space bar> orthe <←> or <→> keys to toggle between available entries. Press <Enter>, <Tab> or <↓> when your entry on eachline is complete.• User Name: Enter a new user name.• Password: Enter a password to be associated with this user name.− Confirm password: Enter password again for confirmation of keystrokes.