74 DOMINION KSX USER M ANUALTARGET KVM SERVERK EYBOARD P ROBLEMSSOLUTIONDominion KSX is notaccepting keyboard commandsfrom the Remote PC.The window in Raritan Remote Client that is displaying you Target KVM Server must be theactive window for proper keyboard control. Ensure the window in which you are typing isactive.Try clearing the keyboard signals to ensure that the release or breakcode signal has beenreceived − alternately press the <Ctrl>, <Shift> and <Tab> keys rapidly a few times on yourkeyboard. Ensure the remote user has keyboard and mouse privileges.Exit the Dominion KSX software and then restart it again.I pressed the Caps Lock key onmy Remote PC. The CAPSindicator on the DominionKSX Status Bar appeared, butthe Caps Lock indicator light isnot lit on my Remote PCkeyboard.This is normal. Use the indicators on the Status Bar to determine CAPS key status for theTarget KVM Server.The Keyboard is notfunctioning and the green LEDon the back of Dominion KSXfor at least one of the KVMports is not blinking, but ratherconstantly lit.Reset the keyboard chips within Dominion KSX by recycling power to it. Make sure youpower down both Dominion KSX and all attached KVM switches at the same time. Otherwisethe KVM chips in Dominion KSX will draw power from the KVM switches and fail to reset.I am accessing Dominion KSXvia the Web Browser and thekeyboard does not function. Itype, but nothing happens.Click the window title bar under the Dominion KSX toolbar to activate the viewing window.If the viewing window is not the active window, the keyboard will not function.TARGET KVM SERVERM OUSE P ROBLEMSSOLUTIONSTarget KVM Server Mouse Pointer trackstoo slowly after Dominion KSX MousePointer.Immediately after switching to a newTarget Server channel the mouse stopsand/or is out of sync.When working from a Remote PC, a slight delay between your local mousepointer and the Target KVM Server’s Mouse Pointer is normal due touncontrollable lags in the speed of the remote connection – Internet, direct dialmodem, or network. With each new video image viewed, Dominion KSXautomatically re-syncs and aligns the mouse pointers. Wait a few seconds afterswitching to each new video image for automatic re-calibration to take place andthe two mouse pointers will line up with each other. If you do not wish to wait forthis auto calibration, or you find the two mouse pointers out of sync at any time;click the Synchronize Mouse button, or simultaneously press the keys <Ctrl-Alt-S>. This will manually re-align the two pointers.Be sure to follow the directions in Chapter 2: Installation, “Configuring TargetKVM Servers” in order to ensure that mouse synchronization functions properly.