CHAPTER 3: RARITAN REMOTE CLIENT (RRC) 31Keyboard MacrosRRC allows users to create custom keyboard macros in order to send given key sequences to the Target KVMServer connected to Dominion KSX. This feature allows customers to send keystrokes to remote servers that may beotherwise unintentionally interpreted by the computer on which RRC is running.Dominion KSX’s Keyboard Macro feature can be used to ensure that keystroke combinations intended for theTarget Server are sent to, and interpreted only by, the Target Server.Ctrl+Alt+Delete MacroDue to its frequent use, a Ctrl+Alt+Delete macro has been pre-programmed into Raritan Remote Client, and isuseful in illustrating the power of keyboard macros.SendCtrl+Alt+Del Sends a Ctrl+Alt+Delete macro to the Target Server.Clicking on the Ctrl+Alt+Delete icon in the RRC Toolbar sends this key sequence to the server or KVM switch towhich you are currently connected. In contrast, if you were to physically press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys while usingRRC, the command would first be intercepted by your own PC due to the structure of the Windows operatingsystem, instead of sending the key sequence to the target server as intended.Building a Keyboard MacroTo illustrate the creation of a keyboard macro, the following directions detail the steps necessary to create akeyboard macro for the Windows command, "Minimize All Windows / Show Desktop".Example: In Windows, pressing the <Windows+D> key combination minimizes all program windows. However,when connected to a target server with RRC, a keyboard macro is the only means to accomplish this task on thetarget server – because, again, pressing the key combination <Windows+D> would result in your own client PCintercepting the command and performing it – instead of sending the command to the target server as intended.1. On the RRC Menu Bar, select Keyboard → Keyboard Macros.2. When the Keyboard Macros dialog box opens, click on the [Add] button.