CHAPTER 1: I NTRODUCTION 1Chapter 1: IntroductionThank you for purchasing Raritan’s Paragon II. The Paragon family is about breaking away fromthe traditional, expensive model of server management – one server, one dedicated monitor, onededicated keyboard. Paragon allows for a single user station (monitor, keyboard, and mouse) formultiple servers – even servers of different platforms.No matter how large or small your setup, no matter how simple or how complex, Raritan isconfident that there is a Paragon system just right for you.Paragon II OverviewThe Paragon II is designed to perform heavy-duty multiple-user-to-many-serverkeyboard/video/mouse (KVM) matrix switching without burdening you with big, confusinghydra-headed cables. Instead, the Paragon II uses standard Category 5 unshielded twisted-pair(UTP) cabling, like the type that is already installed at many sites. It can connect users withservers across as much as 1000 ft. (304 m) of such cabling.A Paragon II system consists of several components: Main switching units (M Units), whichserve as base units and matrix switches, securely connecting users to servers; Stacking units (SUnits), which allow you to expand your system and connect to the M Units while conservingspace; Computer-Interface Modules (CIMs) connected to each server; and either the User Station(P2-UST), which connects your keyboard, monitor, and mouse to the M unit and provides anintuitive On-Screen User Interface for accessing attached servers, or the Enhanced User Station(P2-EUST), providing all of the P2-UST features, plus superior video quality with manual skewcompensation.In addition, Raritan’s P2-USTIP1 and P2-USTIP2, one-and two-worker user stations, haveintegrated IP access and includes KVM over IP capability for anytime, anywhere access andcontrol of servers along with a slim design and GUI for point-and-click remote access. The P2-USTIP supports IP access, enabling one or two remote users to access Paragon II-connectedservers from anywhere via Web browser. The P2-USTIP2 also supports 128-bit SSL encryptionand local authentication through Paragon II, or centralized authentication when used withRaritan’s CommandCenter Secure Gateway.There are a number of Main Switching Units that support different numbers of directly attachedusers and server CPUs:• Product code P2-UMT242 supports 2 users and 42 CPUs• P2-UMT442 supports 4 users and 42 CPUs• P2-UMT832M supports 8 users and 32 CPUs• P2-UMT1664M supports 16 users and 64 CPUsThere are also several different CIMs for different types of servers (all must output VGA video):• P2CIM-PS2 and ZCIM-PS2 support CPUs with IBM PS/2 type keyboard and mouse ports;Z-CIM has an extra RJ45 port to support a “local CPU” installed between a User Station anda Base Unit, as well as chaining of Z-CIMs for clustered access.• P2CIM-APS2, as above, and supports automatic skew compensation (with P2-EUST).• P2CIM-SUN supports CPUs with Sun type keyboard and mouse ports.• P2CIM-ASUN, as above, and supports automatic skew compensation (with P2-EUST).• P2CIM-USB, P2CIM-SUSB, and P2CIM-USBG2 support CPUs with USB keyboard andmouse ports.• P2CIM-AUSB, as above, will work for SUN, and supports automatic skew compensation(with P2-EUST).• P2CIM-USBG2 works with P2-HUBPAC in PC, MAC, and SUN USB configurations.• AUATC supports CPUs connected through their RS-232 serial ports.