14 IP-R EACH USER M ANUALEstablish a ConnectionUpon launching the Raritan Remote Client (RRC), IP-Reach will request your user credentials. Log onwith the default username and password ( and ). You will connect to your IP-Reach unit.Use the RRC Navigator, found on the left-hand side of the RRC window, to select and connect to a port.Note to CommandCenter UsersIf you are using IP-Reach in a CommandCenter configuration, perform the installation steps as outlinedabove. After completing the steps in this chapter, please consult the CommandCenter user guide to proceedwith your installation. The rest of this user guide applies primarily to users deployingIP-Reach unit(s) without the integration functionality of CommandCenter.The RRC Navigatordisplays any knownRaritan networkedappliances.Click on “SynchronizeMouse” to convergethe mouse pointersdisplayed.Double-click on a portto establish controlover the server orKVM switch attachedto that port.Users withAdministratorprivileges may modifyIP-Reachconfiguration settingsRemotely access VT100serial consoles connectedto the “Serial IN” port ofIP-Reach.The RRC Toolbar providessingle-click access to RRC’smost frequently-usedfeatures.Once connected to a port,keystrokes and video signalsare transmitted in real-time, asif you were situated locally.The RRC Status Barprovides real-timeinformation onconnection parameters. PreviousNext |