233) AUDIBLE ALARM ON/OFFA) RATE display will show "ALrn". DATA display will show "on".B) Depressing momentarily changes the DATA display between "on" and"off". A value of "on" means the audible alarms are enabled; a value of"off" means the audible alarms are disabled.C) Momentarily depress to advance to DISPLAY SMOOTHING ON/OFF.4) DISPLAY SMOOTHING ON/OFFA) RATE display will show "diSP". DATA display will show "on".B) Depressing momentarily changes the DATA display between "on" and"oFF". A value of "on" means smoothing is enabled; a value of "oFF" meanssmoothing is disabled. The percent smoothing is determined by the thirddigit of VALVE CAL value as shown:Brake Point Digit(3rd digit) of VALVE CAL 2 1 2 30 = 1% + Deadband 5 = 25% + Deadband1 = 3% + Deadband 6 = 30% + Deadband2 = 7% + Deadband 7 = 35% + Deadband3 = 10% + Deadband 8 = 40% + Deadband4 = 20% + Deadband 9 = 45% + DeadbandActual rate is displayed if unit does not reach deadband within 10seconds. "oFF" means RATE displays the actual rate at all times.C) Momentarily depress to advance to RATE CHANGE ALARM ON/OFF.5) RATE CHANGE ALARM ON/OFFA) RATE display will show "rATE". DATA display will show "on".B) Depressing momentarily changes the DATA display between "on"and "oFF". a value of "on" means alarm is enabled; a value of "oFF"means alarm is disabled.C) Momentarily depress to advance to GPS FILE REFERENCE.6) GPS FILE REFERENCEA) RATE display will show "FILE". DATA display will show a "1".B) Enter the GPS file number.C) Momentarily depress to advance to GPS OPTIONS.